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"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if every single one had to happen to make sure I was right here, right now, to meet you, then I forgive myself for all of them."

~K.Towne Jr.~


T H E R E  W E R E no words to explain how the kiss felt.

The way their lips melded so perfectly together felt as natural as breathing. As if they were made to kiss each other; made for each other.

Falcon's hands found their way to the curve of Freya's hips as her hands gripped the material of his shirt. His lips moved with purpose over her soft, tentative ones, neither of them taking notice that they were standing in the middle of the hospital foyer.

Falcon could have almost ignored the burning in his lungs and continued kissing his girl forever, but Freya pulled away first, little pants erupting from her swollen lips.

Only one thought came to Falcon as his mind began clearing.


He didn't restrain himself; catching her plump bottom lip between his teeth as he tugged on it before pecking her firmly.

He looked down at Freya as their breathing recovered. Her hands still held fast on his shirt, her eyes screwed closed as her head remained tilted upwards, lips parted. He gave an adoring chuckle at the sight.

It felt surreal to have just kissed her; to know that she had kissed him back. Satisfaction flowed through him as he practically basked in the knowledge that she wanted him too.

Falcon's hands slid from Freya's waist to the small of her back, pulling her closer as he pecked the tip of her nose. He was content.

Freya's doe eyes finally opened as she looked up at Falcon with a dazed expression, triggering another chuckle from said man. Her lips tingled with the after effects of the kiss and she bit down on her bottom lip to stop the sensation.

She couldn't quite remember how that had just happened, but she wasn't about to complain. Falcon's kisses felt nice and that's all that really mattered to her.

There wasn't any need for words between the two; not like they could find them anyway. The ability to speak seemed to have mutually flown out the window and the two could do nothing but stare, as their bodies naturally leaned into each other's warmth.

"Mr Anders?" A call broke them out of their trance and they turned to the nurse who had called Falcon's name. She caught sight of us reacting to the name and smiled sadly as she walked over to us.

Freya looked up at Falcon, only to see that fear had overtaken his expression. She cuddled closer, trying to offer what little comfort she could as the nurse reached them, a clipboard clutched to her chest.

"Mr Anders," She said again. "My name is Nina, I just wanted to update you on your father's condition. The doctor has found swelling in his brain, unrelated from the alcohol poisoning he has suffered; he believes there must have been some sort of blunt force trauma to his head at some point. Because of this, the doctor has decided that a medically induced coma is the best course of action at the moment."

The news hadn't been what Falcon was expecting and he let out a shaky breath of relief.

"So, he'll live?" He asked, voice wavering with nerves.

Nina nodded with a pleasant smile.
"Yes, sir," She responded politely. "It's hard to say when the doctor will be able to reverse the coma at this point in time, but he'll be just fine."

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