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"True love is usually the most inconvenient kind."

~Kiera Cass~


R Y D E R  S T A R E D  at Falcon for a moment as he let what had just been said sink in. He knew what this would mean for him; he'd be betraying his people. Guilt gnawed at his heart as he remembered the events of five years ago. He had already betrayed a member of their gang before - betrayed a boy he saw as family. As a brother. Helping him was the least Ryder could do.

He nodded softly.
"I'll do it," He said, raising his eyes to meet Falcon's own.

Falcon breathed in a quiet breath of relief, shifting the girl in his arms ever so slightly. He gave Ryder a short nod, his chest seizing with nervousness.

"It'll have to be tonight," Ryder spoke again. "There's a big job on, so I'll be able to leave the doors open and a car waiting, but other than that, you're on your own. If I skip out your brother's gonna know something's up."

Falcon's jaw clenched but he nodded in agreement.
"Do what you can," He muttered in a low voice as to not wake Freya up, though she was already beginning to squirm slightly. "I'll handle it."

A short, high-pitched yawn sounded from Falcon's shoulder and his attention was immediately diverted to his girl. The hand that had rested at his side came up to rub Freya's back as she blinked a few times, adjusting to the light streaming in from the doorway. A tiny hand came up to rub the sleep out of her eyes and Falcon turned away from the door slightly as Ryder looked on in curiosity.

"Hey, baby," Falcon's tone was several notches softer than it had been previously. "Did I wake you?"

Freya shook her head, letting another yawn overtake her before closing her eyes again and snuggling back into his neck. She shifted, tightening her legs around his waist so she was more stabilised on his hip before taking her first peek at the man standing at the door.

She didn't know who it was, but she assumed anyone from this place wasn't going to be particularly kind so she drew herself even closer to Falcon. She hid her face behind the curtain of her hair just as Falcon pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"It's alright, Freya. He's a," He paused, his gaze flickering towards Ryder before seemingly making up his mind. "He's a friend."

Freya peeked out from her hair before deciding to trust Falcon's word. She tapped his chest, pushing herself away from him slightly so he knew she wanted to be let down. He obliged, settling her on her own two feet before placing an arm around her waist. Freya's hands wrapped themselves around Falcon's shirt as she situated herself right up against his side, peering up curiously at Ryder.

Ryder felt like he needed to crouch down in order to match her size, but he simply offered her a smile instead. Freya smiled back slightly before stuffing her face into Falcon's shirt, circling her arms around his waist.

Falcon instinctively began running his fingers through her hair in a comforting manner. He knew she was still a little shaken up about being here, though she was handling it awfully well. He just prayed their escape would work and that what came after that would play out the way he wanted.

Ryder cleared his throat, causing the couple to look up at him as he gave them a tight-lipped smile.
"I've got to go," He took in a breath, glancing down the hallway next to him as if searching for something. Suddenly, one of his hands scrambled to get off a watch that was lying on his other wrist before holding it out to Falcon. "Take this. We'll be gone by nine, go then."

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