Saving Bolt and Penny

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Time Skip

"There it is!" Rhino said excitedly as we looked down at the place where Bolt could be anywhere. Hollywood. I put my front paws on the fence to get a better look as I saw a lot of buildings. "The most terrifying place on Earth." Rhino said as we started to head down. I was running while he was rolling. We soon arrived at the studio where they host 'Bolt' the tv show. We stopped near the security gate and looked at a water tower with Bolt and Penny on it. "At long last. We've the bell of the beast. The lair of the green-eyed man." He said as I shook my head with a smile.

He started rolling away as I ran after him. "Rhino! Hold up!" I said and ran in front of him then stopped him with my paw. "What? What's the problem? I'm-I'm pumped!" He said as I gave a quick sigh. "Listen, uh, this may be real hard for you to understand, but sometimes things aren't what they seem to be. I mean sometimes you think something's really real and it's not-" I rambled as I didn't realize he was ignoring me. "Die! Die!" He said and started to roll to one of the actors in the 'Bolt' film. I went to walk to the man who picked up Rhino as a truck with a helicopter in the back drove by. 

I looked back at Rhino, thinking he can handle himself as I followed the truck into a building. I managed to climb onto a support beam as I looked at a little girl, who I am assuming is Penny, run in. "Bolt! You're okay! Oh, you came back!" She said as I see a white dog with a dark lightning bolt on his side. 'That is not Bolt.' I thought as I saw her run then knelt down. The fake Bolt ran to her as I watched the scene play out, failing to notice the real Bolt in the shadows as he saw the whole thing as well. "Oh, Bolt. I thought I lost you." She said softly and petted the fake Bolt. "You're my good boy." She said as he lightly barked while the real Bolt walked away sadly.

I watched as someone blew a dog whistle. I shook my head and rubbed my ear at that horrid sound then went back to watching Penny as a lady came up while the fake Bolt ran to the caller. "Okay people. Let's move it to stage 7 and do it for real." She said and walked by Penny as I saw how upset she was. 'That was all rehearsed?' I thought and kept watching as another women walked up to Penny and petted her hair gently. 'Must be her mother.' I thought as I watched their scene play out. Penny stood up and turned to face her mother before hugging her sadly. 

"I miss him." She said softly as her mother hugged back. "I know, honey. I do too." She said softly as Penny sniffled while they walked away. 'She still misses Bolt. I have to find him!' I thought and hopped off the support beam and ran to find him. I saw a white tail walk around a corner before climbing up a tree and onto the roof as I watched him walked away sadly. "Hey! Wags!" I said as he stopped and turned around to look at me in surprise. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked as I started getting off the roof. 

"Eh, long story short, I was tied to a delusional dog getting dragged across the country. But, that is not important now. The real question is, what are you doing here?" I asked, standing in front of him. "And why aren't you in there?" I asked and gestured to the building. "You were right about her, Y/N. She, uh, well it wasn't real." He said sadly as he looked at the ground. "No, Bolt. It is real. I was in there just now. I saw her face after you left. She's broken hearted. She doesn't want just any dog. She wants you." I said as I waited for him to speak then realized he wasn't and walked up to him.

"She's your person, Bolt. And you are her dog." I said softly as he looked up at me then looked away as he looked like he was trying to determine something. I heard whatever he was hearing which was Penny's voice screaming out for help in fear. "Penny." I said softly as we started running back to the studio. We ran by Rhino as he started following, the smell of smoke getting stronger. "What do we do?" I asked as we ran. "Just make sure I get inside that building!" Bolt replied as we dodged some people but someone ended up tripping on Bolt causing them both to fall. 

Bolt quickly got back up and followed us. Everyone was getting out as something was slowly starting to block the door. "Coming through!" Rhino said and rolled under the heavy object as his ball started to crack as he lifted up his hands. "It's a good day to die!" He said as I ran up and untwisted the lid. "Not on my watch rodent!" I said and grabbed him out. I fell back as Bolt jumped over us and slid under the object before it blocked the door from anyway out. "BOLT!" I shouted as I put Rhino down. 

After a while of searching, I finally found a small hole. I wiggled my way through it, but got myself on a piece of metal. I whimpered a bit but ignored it. My main mindset was on finding Bolt and Penny. I ran around and saw her and Bolt covered in ashes as Penny was laying down while coughing. "Bolt!" I said as I see hears ears perk up. "Y-Y/N? What are you doing in here? It's too dangerous. You need to get out." He said and walked up to me. "I'm here to help. I can't lose another person I love." I said as he looked at me in disbelieve. "You love me?" He asked and walked up to me. 

"Yes, you crazy dog. That's not the point right now. I need to get you out of here." I said as he looked at me. "But you're bleeding." He said and looked at my wound. "I'll be okay. I'm going to get you and Penny out of here." I said as he nodded. "Bolt, zoom zoom." Penny said, grabbing a rope in the middle of it. "Just follow my lead." Bolt said and grabbed the end of the rope with his teeth. I nodded and did the same as he started running. I ran with him as we helped Penny out and to a clear spot as she was coughing the whole time. I saw a vent and led them towards it. 

We stopped but Bolt and her both collapsed. I clawed at it as it opened up. I crawled inside then turned around and barked softly but neither of them moved. I got out then pulled on Penny's shirt then nudged Bolt. "Go on girl. You have to get out of here." Penny said as I whined softly. "Go, Y/N. Go on out." Bolt said softly as I sat beside him. "I'm not leaving you guys." I said as I felt water run down my fur/color cheeks. "I'll get you guys out." I said softly and nuzzled against him as he weakly nuzzled me. I licked Penny's cheek as she softly pet my ear. "You're a good girl." She said as I whined softly.

I climbed back into the vent then crawled up. I barked as loud as I could, pretending it was like Bolt's Super Bark. I barked again as it echoed. I barked a few more times before giving up. I walked back to Penny and Bolt. I laid my head on Bolt's back and licked Penny's hand softly as she petted my head. "Such a brave girl." She said softly as I felt a paw over mine. "My brave girl." Bolt said softly as I smiled. They both pass out from the smoke as I closed my eyes thinking it's the end until I hear people opening the vent. "Over here! We've found them!" Someone said as I weakly sat up, making Penny's hand fall onto Bolt.

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