Traveling with a Crazy Dog

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"Hmm." Bolt said, seeming in thought. "Well, I told you where to find her so if you'll just untie me, I'll be on my way." I said, wishing he would untie me from the leash that is also connected to his collar. "I'll release you, dog, when we find Penny." He said and glanced at me. "Excuse me? That wasn't the deal. We had a deal!" I said, a bit upset at this new info. "Your deal just expired." He said and looked at me. I glared at him as my ears stuck up. 

He looked around and saw a moving truck and perked up at it. "Perfect." He said as he walked over, dragging me with him. "Hmm. Padlocked." He said and froze as he stared at the lock intensely. I tried pulling him away but he won't budge. "Listen, Cujo, I got some pretty wicked claws under these paws. Do not, I beg of you, do not make me bring out these bad boys. It gets ugly." I said then realized he's not listening. 

"What are you doing?" I asked and went to walk in front of him. "Stay back!" He said as I backed up and sat down. "If I stare at the lock really hard, it'll burst into flames and melt." He said as I looked at him like he was nuts. "Now I'm concerned on a number of levels." I said and turned my head, hearing some people. "Easy, watch." "I'm good." "Watch it, though. Ow!" "You got it?" They said to each other. "Intruders!" Bolt said and ran, dragging me with him. "Slow down! You're scraping the fur off my..." I said but hit a mailbox and fell unconscious.

Bolt's POV

I sighed in a little frustration as I pulled the F/C (Fur Color) dog towards me. I felt a little bad for going a bit too fast but I need to find Penny. I watched as the the employees set the couch down. I nuzzled my head under her and put her on my back then walked over and set her down beside the couch as I used a penny to distract the employee sitting on the couch. When he was distracted, I slipped under the couch with the F/C dog. I put her on a bar as I got on one myself. The employees lifted the couch and put it into the moving van. 

I got out and gently got her out, placing her on the couch as I sat beside her and watched the door, glancing at her every now and then. I didn't know what was coming over me, but I couldn't help but think she was telling the truth about not knowing Penny. I shook my head and still watched the door. I can't take any chances. I hear a soft groan and looked to see her waking up. I see her sparkling E/C eyes open up and quickly turned my head.

"Wh-Where are we?" She asked sat up shaking her head a little. "We're in the moving van." I said and tried to keep up my strict voice. "Oh." She said simply and started looking through some stuff. "So what's your name?" I asked, still watching the door. "Y/N at least that's what my people called me." She said, sounding a bit hurt. 'Called?' I thought as she started asking me questions. 


I was searching through some things to hopefully knock him out for a bit. "So, if you got superpowers, I guess that would make you, what, like, some kind of superdog?" I asked. "That information's classified." He said. "Come on. Lik, what's your best power? Your go-to move. How about flying? Can you fly?" I asked peeking over the couch at him before digging through more stuff. "Don't be silly. I can't fly." He said, shaking his head slightly. 

"Okay, okay, fine. If you don't have any powers, you don't have any powers. What's it to me?" I asked and dug through a box. "I have a superbark." He said, not breaking his gaze from the door. "A superbark? Wow! You're kidding me!" I said sarcastically as I found a trophy then looked up to see a bat, dropping the trophy. "What exactly does one do with a superbark?" I asked, climbing to the bat. "I really can't talk about it. It's classified. So I suggest you pipe down and take me to Penny." I said and reached the bat.

"You're oddly attached to this Penny character huh, Wags?" I asked as the bat was a little heavy. "She's my person." He said as I rolled my eyes. "Oh, please. She's A person. And if you ask me, the only good person is a..." I said lifting the bat to hit him but fell back as a box landed on him. "Styrofoam!" He yelled and jumped off the couch and opened the door. "Tuck and roll!" He said as I was concerned. "Tuck and what?" I said then was pulled out of the moving van with him as we tumbled down a hill. 

I groaned as he sat up. "Ow! What? What is this red liquid coming from my paw?" He asked and looked at his paw that was bleeding. "It's called blood, hero." I said and sat up, looking at him. "Do I need it?" He asked as I looked at him weird then a bit angry like. "Yes! So if you wanna keep it inside your body, where it belongs, you should stop jumping off trucks doing 80 on the interstate!" I yelled and stood up.

"Yeah, well, normally, I'm a tad more indestructible. Must've been the...Styrofoam! That stuff, it weakens me!" He said and tried to stay back. I looked at it then quickly grabbed it. "Ah-ha!" I said, holding it towards him. "What are you doing? Put that down!" He said and watched me, carefully. "Alright, that's it. I've had it with you. Untie me pooch. Or I'm gonna...I'm gonna...I'm gonna seriously wound you! I'm gonna seriously wound you with this Styrofoam." I said as he backed up.

 "Are you mad? You don't know the power of the Styrofoam." He said, looked at me like I was crazy as we circled each other . "Oh, you bet I'm mad, baby, and I'm about to unleash it. The power of the Styrofoam." I said and held the packing peanut close to his face as he. "Whoa! Alright, dog! Okay. You win. I'll untie you." He said, looking at me in defeat. "That's a weird place to put a piano." He said, looking up off to the side, curiously. I turned my head to look but was tackled and pinned to the ground as the packing peanut was knocked out of my hand. 

"Are we gonna have any more problems, dog?" He asked, slightly glaring down at me. "No! No, no. No more problems. I'll take you to Penny." I said quickly. He started sniffing the air and got off of me as I sat up, smelling the delicious aroma of all kinds of food, making me hungry. I here a grumble and Bolt quickly back up and sat, holding his stomach, looking at me. "What is that?" He asked, a little freaked out. "What?" I asked, a little confused. His stomach grumbled again as we glanced at it. 

"That! Okay. You have two seconds to tell me what you've implanted in me, dog! Poison? A parasite? Poison? Oh, no, I just said that, didn't I? See, I'm all discombobulated. I can't think straight." He said as I rolled my eyes. "I don't believe this. You're hungry." I said and sat down as his stomach grumbled again. He put his paw on the leash to the ground as it pulled on me. "Where is the antidote?" He asked sternly as he looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes. "Okay, okay! Alright!" I said as he let his paw off the leash.

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