A Friend in Need

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Time Skip Bolt's POV

I was peacefully sleeping when a soft nudge of a nose nudged my head. "Hey! Hey, Bolt! Wake up!" I hear Y/N whisper excitedly. I opened my eyes to see her standing in front of me with an excited smile. "Okay, okay. I'm up." I said and yawned while stretching before sitting up. "Come on. I've got a surprise for ya." She said and started walking away as I began to follow her. We walked to a fence as we stopped. "Okay, close your eyes and follow my voice." She said as I looked at her with slight confusion but shook my head with a smile and closed my eyes anyway. 

"Step over and stop." She said as I did while following her voice a little bit. "Okay, okay. No peeking." She said as I walked a bit further with a chuckle. "Now, open 'em!" She said happily as I did to see two boxes on their sides and their flaps propped up by a stick as she giggled. "Bask in the glow, baby." She said proud of herself. "I uh..." I didn't know what to say. "Just let me give you the grand tour." She said happily as her tail wagged as she walked to the kind of smaller one. "This one's mine and this one," she walked to the slightly bigger one, "this one is all yours." She said with a bright smile.

There's a problem...I still want to go back home to Penny but I didn't want to break Y/N's heart so I tried to tell her and let her down gently. "Y/N, I-" "Oo, I found this really soft pillow thing for you and get this!" She said interrupting me as she walked to the bed and pushed on it as a Styrofoam peanut floated out. "I found some Styrofoam and I stuffed it inside; which I thought it was both creative and ironic, you know what I mean?" She asked and giggled as I tried telling her again. "Y/N, I don't think that-" "Oo, oo, oo! Check it out!" She said kicked the stick away as the flap closed. 

"Total privacy! And completely soundproof!" She shouted as I can imagine a big and beautiful smile on her face which only makes it more harder to tell her I don't want to stay. "Yeah, well I don't think that I-" "Okay, I lied. It's not soundproof. But you know-" "Y/N, I can't stay here." I said finally telling her but when she walked out of the box I felt my heart sink. Her ears were bent back as her tail stopped wagging and was just hanging there. "What?" She asked softly and looked at me sadly which hurt but I need to get back to Penny. "We're one waffle away from Penny." I said softly as I tried to let her know I can't stay and have to return to Penny.

"You're still going back to her?" She asked sadly and tilted her head a little as that comment did hurt a little. "Y/N, she's my person." I said a bit sternly. She looked at me kinda hurt before her expression turned to slight anger. She marched over and bit my ear and dragged me with her over a hill. "Ow, ow, ow! Ear, ear!" I said as she let go. I shook my head from the pain as it stung while she climbed on top of an old rusted car. "Look at me, Bolt. I'm real." She said and looked at me. "Now how about this? Is this real? Does this look real to you?" She asked hoping onto the billboard. 

"Or that? Is that real? Or that? How about that, Bolt?" She asked and walked over to the picture of Penny and looked at me. "She's an actress. She's just pretending." She said as that stung a little coming from a dog I was growing feelings for. "Not Penny." I said sternly, not wanting to believe her. "There is no Penny!" She said and hopped a level down. "She's fake." She said as she looked at me angrily as she didn't understand. "No, you're wrong. She loves me." I said as I watched her walk back to the truck. "No, no Bolt. That's what they do, okay?" She asked, climbing down the truck. 

"They act like they love you, they act like they'll be there forever, and then one day they'll pack up all their stuff and move away and take their love with them! And leave their declawed dog behind to fend for herself!" She said angrily as I saw sadness and anger in her beautiful e/c eyes as I stood there looking sadly back at her while she looked down, avoiding my gaze and sighed softly. "They leave her...wondering....what she did wrong." She said with her voice softly cracking. "Y/N...Y/N, I'm sorry but...Penny is different." I said and looked back at her as it looked like she was thinking. 

"Then go." She said and glared softly yet sadly at me. "Y/N, I-" "Get outta here, Bolt! I never should've taken pity on you." She said and turned around and sat with her back facing me. "Oh, Y/N-" "Just get outta here, Bolt!" She snapped, glancing back at me. I wanted to help her but felt as though I should leave so I began walking away, waiting and secretly hoping for her to stop or come with me, but nothing happened so I stopped and looked at her. "You take care, Y/N." I said softly and started walking away sadly. 


I stayed looking away sadly, unable to watch someone I care about most in my life walk out again. Why didn't I go with him? I'm afraid the same thing would happen to me again. I gathered enough strength and looked at him as he walked away. After a while, I walked back to the place where all the dumpsters were. Thinking I was hungry, I gathered up some food on a garbage can lid then sat in front of it. I stared at it sadly then pushed it away and sighed softly. I heard Rhino wake up and roll out as he groaned. "That meat lovers pizza is not loving me back at all." He said and rolled over to me.

"Hey there Rhino." I said softly with a smile. "Morning, Y/N." He said with a yawn then rubbed his eye as he looked around. "Where's Bolt?" He asked as I looked away. "He's, uh, he's gone." I said softly and glanced at him. "Bolt left?" Rhino asked with disbelief and sadness. "Yeah, but he, uh, he instructed me to tell you that he, um, he had to face the green-eyed man alone." I said and looked at him as I really didn't want to explain what happened between us. Rhino looked at me then gave a determined look as he started rolling away in his little ball. 

"Whoa, where are you going?" I asked curiously. "To Bolt!" He simply replied as I watched him. "But he doesn't need us anymore." I said in slight confusion as he turned back to me. "Trust me. I've seen it a million times before. In the cold dark night before the battle when the steely fangs of evil are sharp and it poised to strike, the hero must go and face his greatest challenge alone. But if Bolt's taught me anything, it's that you never abandoned a friend in a dark time of need." He said as I was listening to his words carefully then he started rolling away. 

"When your teammate's in trouble, you go! Whether they ask or not, you go! Not knowing if you're coming back dead or alive-" He said as he went the wrong way. "He went the other way!" I said as he went the way Bolt went. "You go! Knowing how deep the shrapnel is gonna pierce your mind, you go!" He said as he disappeared from my vision. I decided he was right and decided to follow him. We hopped onto a moving truck and drove to Hollywood. 

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