The Lies. The Truth. (7.19)

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East Wing: Conference Hall

Mother tilts her head in father's direction, offering him a much needed smile, "Certainly, My King." then picking the white folder, she informs the councils, "The rituals, of the union ceremonies, are the next thing we intend to discuss. The file before you are of the proposals that enlist the potential and relevant changes."

This is it, the next few hours would decide if Esme would willingly take the throne with us, as much it's mere thought inflicts pain and torment within me, will we need to coerce, maybe pressure her to step up on that platform to exchange oaths with us?

In all honesty, the following up with the customs becomes evidently hard and painstaking if we'd have to do them against her will.

Scratching my arm, my hand inches towards the white folder that might very well contain my future. Glancing down at the file, for one last time I quickly place on my lap, flip it open to see how only the very first page contains in description the rituals that consist of initiation, the 'Pre-Claiming,' on the next page a few clauses from the 'Claiming Ceremony,' within it, in realty were 3 levels namely: 'Level 1: Domination, Level 2: Submission and Level 3: Mating Traditions,' the last page on the other hand, had certain changes regarding the 'Union Ceremony,' the finale stage of our traditional, old way.

The changes to the 3 levels; Domination, Submission and Mating Ceremonies traditions as the custom dictate could only be discussed upon by the Elders of the respective breed. The people that had a say regard the Domination level were the Tribe of the Wolf Elders, Submission traditions by all our respective dominants beast breed elders, and finally the Mating Ceremony and Union Ceremony were always preceded by these two Council members.

Just as started to recall all the customs we'd have to follow through, I heard Titus huff in annoyance beside me, as I observe his behaviour, for the first time I see emotions flash on his face just as he shuts the file with a bit more forces than necessary.

In reality, at that point, all of our brains tried to process the information presented before us, clearly wracking their brains like me in dilemma. We were in this together, a part of us, most carnal and primal, wanted these rituals to happen, to claim our Etherati before our people in all our naked glory, while another that was irrevocably in love and non-horny part did see how they posed a problem to our union of equal terms.

There was no doubt in our heads that we'd be met with reluctance regarding our ways when Esme was to learn of them, this didn't settle well with females of our world let alone a humans. My Es, was naive, untainted by our world. She didn't see sex as an animalistic urge, she saw it as an intertwining of two souls of falling in love.

Who do I choose? My throbbing dick that wishes to claim her, own her and posses her, or my heart that wished to claim her, own her, posses her but most importantly worship and love her.

The supernaturals union rituals weren't hidden under the veil of sophistication like human ones, they were raw and to the point, only ever serving two purpose;

One, To either make both the partners super-sloppily stimulated, wet. In other words horny as hell! Ready to go at it at any point in day and so highly intoxicated in that daze that doesn't care of branding their soulmates before the eyes of their community.
Two, To make sure the partners have sex, in one form or the other, sex was the ultimate goal. Procreation is what it was always dialed down to.

The old way traditions were meant for us to prep our female first, make her burn in the insatiable lust for us, leave them craving and begging for more, only then we'd been allow to fuck her raw into submission. In simple words, at the end it was all a show of our dominance over her mind, body, heart and soul.

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