Vol 5 Chap 143

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It took a whole month for Liu Chu Chu to finally wake up from her coma and another two whole months for her to be able to swallow food without suffering extreme pain. These three months were horrible for her and she lost so much weight that her clothes were loose on her thin frame.

"Long Shan," Liu Chu Chu called for her fiancé softly, which made one wish to pamper her.

There was no anger could be seen on her during the whole time Venerable Song performed the cleansing ceremony with the aid of a group of helpers that was picked by the prime minister. She did complain the long hour of the ceremony despite her face getting paler at each hour.

When the uninvited guests finally left, Long Shan hurried to Liu Chu Chu's side. "Chu' Er, are you tired? Let's get you back to bed."

His heart hurt to see how vulnerable his love was currently, so very different from how strong and capable she usually appeared. Much to his relief, her eyes were filled with the same determination that he admired.

"Long Shan, I will not let them go for trying to kill me."

"En. We will have them pay for hurting Chu' Er."

The Emperor was relieved when Venerable Song found nothing evil around Miss Liu, except that her forehead was rather black, which pointed out that she will be suffering great misfortune in the future.

Concubine He nearly fainted in shock and pleaded the Emperor to allow her to pray for her soon to be daughter-in-law.

The Emperor felt bad that his favourite concubine could only have one child no matter how much she yearned for another. He had done his best to give He Xiang another child and did not rest even a night to fulfil her wish. Alas, fate just does not favour his favourite concubine.

Knowing that there was nothing wrong with his health seeing that his Empress had gotten pregnant, the problem must be on He Xiang. He will have to send a court physician to have a look at her health and prescribe some herbs to improve her health.

However, when one problem solved, another would rise! Recently, the Emperor had known from a palace servant that his Empress' bedchamber would often have the sounds of soft cries coming from it. He had visited his Empress for a few times but he only discovered her being more relaxed than he had ever seen her for years, with a soft glow around her that started to make him doubt about the child in her womb's paternity.

A man in his fifties walked in a fast pace, dressed in a golden thick robe with dragons embroidered that could only be worn by the Guilin's Emperor. His destination was his Empress' courtyard and his purpose of visiting was to discover the truth. He was tired of guessing and it was time for the mystery to clear up!

There were no male servants that dared to approach his Empress except for that one man! The Emperor's jealousy soared up at the thought of Heng Zhen Gan touching his wife!

He had sent a servant to secretly spy on his Empress and to quickly inform him when the sounds from the Empress' bedchamber happened again.

Heng Zhen Gan, this Emperor will have a reason to beat you up this time!

Just when a eunuch in the Empress' courtyard saw the Emperor, he was stopped from announcing the Emperor's arrival with a wave of a hand. The Emperor's dark expression terrified the young eunuch, who quickly had his head bent down low.

Silently approaching the Empress' bedchamber, the Emperor waved the two inner maids of the Empress that were standing outside the room to leave.

Xin San and Xin Mei stared at each other worriedly, knowing that the Emperor was here to meet and perhaps, showing affectionate to the Empress. It would be very welcomed normally, but currently, the Empress was not alone in the room.

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