Chapter 22

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XH 22

Xiao Hua was originally worried about what to do to the food when they could not finish them all. But to her delight, the Third prince's appetite was the same as Long Lian's! Both of them possess a huge appetite! Thanks to his spacious stomach, Xiao Hua does not need to stuff herself to death with food.

The food served on the table was enough for three people!

Xiao Hua scowled at the Third prince's slim figure. How could he and Ah Lian retain their figure with that large food consumption?

Xiao Hua had long ago stopped moving her chopstick, making fake movements to look as if she was eating to avoid the Third prince stuffing her with food. When the Third prince finally stopped eating, Tian Zi came over with a bowl of water and a cloth and whisper to Xiao Hua quietly. "Elder Sister Hua, the task of cleaning His Highness' hands will be handled by you."

Tian Zi gave the task to Xiao Hua because she was the Third prince's personal maid, and since the prince had been generous to share a meal with her, she should do something in return.

Xiao Hua felt a bit embarrassed as she took the cloth and soak it into the lukewarm water. She squeezed out the water before tentatively reached out to hold his hands, which he willingly allowed, and gently cleans them.

Wow! His fingers are slender! Comparing to her own hand, the Third prince's hands looked more like a female's compared to hers'.

When the chore was done, she quickly moved away before handing the wet cloth to Tian Zi. As a maid, she should be the one to feels she had been taken advantage of as she had no choice but to clean him, but why does she feel as if she had taken advantage of the Third prince instead?

"Your Highness." Tian Chi saluted at the doorway.

"What is it?"

"Eunuch Xiang is here to deliver a message from the Emperor."

"Father Emperor sends Eunuch Xiang? Invite him in." Tian Chi bowed and left.

"Tian Zi, have someone bring in the appropriate tea set. Use the tea leaves given by Father Emperor from my last visit. Xiao Hua will brew the tea."

"Understood." Tian Zi quickly assigned one of the maids standing at guard outside of the room to get what was needed. The tea set arrived at the same time as Tian Chi returned with Eunuch Xiang.

The Third prince stood up to welcome Eunuch Xiang, who was deeply touched at his gesture.

The middle-aged eunuch had gone to the Second prince's manor earlier to pass the invitation from the Emperor personally. Yet the hospitality between the Second prince and the Third prince differs vastly. He was forced to wait before the Second prince could pull himself away from the business that was left unattended during his service to the military. However, the Third prince had his servant sent him right over to meet him and even stood up to receive him!

The tea set was placed on a side table and Xiao Hua quickly brews the tea. Since the Third prince had spoken, even if she wanted to complain about her lack of knowledge in brewing, it was too late! The guest was already here!

Xiao Hua filled the teapot with two teaspoons of tea leaves before pouring hot water into the teapot until it was filled halfway. She used a chopstick to spin the teapot's content for a few times before pouring the water away along with the dirt that had stick onto the tea leaves. After that, she poured clean hot water into the teapot until it was full.

Now let's wait for a bit for the flavor to release from the tea leaves! ٩(◕‿◕)۶

Xiao Hua could only follow what her mother had done from what she could remember. Her mother always brewed tea during their weekend reunions and Le XiaoTing never complained. Her deceased father loves tea, and Le XiaoTing knows that her mother drinks tea as her own way to remember her late husband.

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