Vol 4 Chap 106

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XH 106

With the most beautiful woman as her mother, Long Lian was naturally beautiful. But with her currently rosy cheeks with dreamy eyes, that sight easily trembles any men's heart. Not even Yang Ling, the bow fanatic, could protect his heart from the beautiful sight.

Long Lian was so lost in her mind that she was no longer aware of Xiao Hua's frantic calling or the gentle shake on her shoulders.

She was reduced to this state of utopia when Yang Ling told her that the Third Prince will have Xiao Hua adopted so that he could marry her. All this time, she had assumed that her third brother would wait until Xiao Hua grows older before making his move to court her.

Her third brother was never one that's interested in little girls and despite what he believed, Long Lian actually knew about the hidden guest in the Autumn Courtyard. That older woman was nothing 'little' about her at all. Long Lian felt inferior when compared to that older woman and she had to admit that her third brother has a good taste.

However, after her third brother choosing Xiao Hua as his personal maid, Long Lian no longer approved of her brother keeping a secret woman, especially when she saw how he treated Xiao Hua. Not even Father Emperor had treated Mother Empress or Concubine He that way.

She had gone to confront him, and to her surprise, her third brother denied any illicit relationship with the beautiful woman in red.

"She is my senior martial sister. It's my teacher's wish to keep his identity a secret, even Father Emperor and Mother Empress does not know about my teacher."

"That does not explain why you keep her a secret. You could introduce her as your senior martial sister without revealing who's your teacher," Long Lian argued.

"Her identity is not simple. If anyone found out about our relationship, it will bring trouble. I trust that you will keep silent on this or do I have to seal your tongue?"

At that moment, Long Lian admitted she was a bit scared of her third brother. That was one of the rare moments where he was not as gentle and kind as he portrayed himself to be.

She gave her word to be kept it a secret and she was honestly relieved that he accepted her promise. That means he trusted her. It was a great honour to her from her full-blooded brother.

"Hey~ Miss Xiao Hua, come closer so that I don't have to talk loudly," Yang Ling said. He could not approach them for the bodyguards were still blocking his way. Seeing that the Princess was back to her senses, he called out, "Hey Princess~ Are you turning back against your promise?"

"Of course not!" Long Lian stared at him, feeling insulted. "The two of you, let him pass. I will explain to the third brother about this. But you have my permission to restrain him if he makes any threatening move towards Xiao Hua."

"I won't hurt her! I just want to talk to Miss Xiao Hua! Talking is not dangerous at all!"

"Words do not worth much without action," Long Lian pointed out.

"I promise I won't do anything to harm Miss Xiao Hua! If I ever harm her, the thunder will strike me a hundred times!"

Long Lian hid her smile as she waved Duan Xi Ying and Da Bei to let Yang Ling pass, who quickly stepped closer to them.

"Miss Xiao Hua, I will promise you anything if you manage to get back my bow! Long Zhu is a bastard! He took away my darling bow just because I didn't get the first place! At least I get second place! Did he think because he's a prince, he can just take people's belongings? He's a tyrant!"

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