Vol 2 Chapter 58 - From now on you do not need to serve

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XH 58

Xiao Hua finally left the Ping household, carrying along more than a handful of snacks for the Third Prince, much to a person's satisfaction.

However, he will need to appease his darling wife.

"Shui' Er..."

"Husband," Ping Shui interrupted gently. "This wife had never bothered you whenever you meet the Second Prince."

Ping Shui stared at her husband, with her eyes asking, 'So why are you interrupting my meeting?'

"This wife is glad that Miss Xiao Hua decided to overlook my rudeness as a host," Ping Shui continued lightly. "A host should always treat her guests well."

'If Xiao Hua complained to the Third Prince and got him angry, I will be in trouble.' Ping Shui's eyes continue to tell him the unspoken meaning beneath her words.

"Shui 'Er, listen to me..."

"This wife had not neglected her wifely duties. Perhaps Lord husband found this wife unsatisfying? Please enlighten this wife of my wrongdoings so that I can learn from it."

Her eyes turned accusing despite her submissive words. 'You are the one that falls for my seduction and now you are blaming me for your addiction?'

"Of course not!" General Tang exclaimed. "I'm very happy to have Shui 'Er as my wife!"

To prove the truth of his words, he hugged his wife while being careful of his strength to avoid hurting her. He was about to press his mouth to hers when Ping Shui stopped him, her fingers lightly pushing back his pouting lips.

"Shui 'Er," General Tang whined and had Xiao Hua heard it, she would have broken out massive goosebumps.

Ping Shui smiled seductively and lightly teased her husband by caressing her fingertips over his lips, lightly scratched over it with her neatly trimmed nails. She secretly smiled when she saw her husband shivered with his eyes glazed in desire.

She removed her fingers and pushed her husband's chest to create some distance between them.

"It's still broad daylight. Husband, do not behave improperly," Ping Shui chastised.

Poor General Tang that had gotten hot and bothered by his wife was forced to rein in his desires. His eyes displayed his wounded feelings, trying to get his wife to pity him.

Ping Shui was taller than the average females around her age, which gave her an extra boost in height when she went tiptoes to give General Tang a light kiss on his tanned cheek that was free from facial hair. He usually does not care about his beard, allowing it to grow freely and only shave them away once a month, but his wife disliked it, so he made it a habit to shave them.

"Tonight, I will do whatever you want," Ping Shui whispered to his ears.

General Tang groaned at the thought of it. He could feel his body reacted to his alluring wife and cursed that it was still hours away from the nighttime.

It was not wrong to assume that Ping Shui had chosen General Tang as her husband to help the Third Prince to strike the Second Prince's camp. To her, it was a pleasant benefit that this muscular man was just the type of man she was attracted to.

She truly enjoyed seducing the playing hard-to-get man and the reward she has gotten in return was far sweeter than she had imagined.






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