Vol 4 Chap 105

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Xiao Hua had fun at the Xuanwu Kingdom, until one day, her auntie visited for the first time. Fortunately, Xiao Hua's body was healthy and constantly supplied with Nutrient Pill; hence the visit was very much lighter than Le Xiao Ting's tormenting aunty.

However, Xiao Hua found it unhygienic in this time period. It was during times like this she wished she was a male.

On their seventh day in Xuanwu country, the Third Prince received a letter from Eunuch Lau Liu, which prompted them to return to the Guilin Kingdom.

As for the training session with the Third Prince, both of them decided to call it quits and let Duan Xi Ying continue teaching her. The Third Prince knew that he had used too much strength so he decreased it, but he ended up dropping it too much. On the other hand, Xiao Hua was afraid to put more strength into her punches even if she knew her punch did nothing to him.

It's his face! It's that beautiful, delicate face that gave her the impression he's weak!

During their journey back, there were no breaks in between and they manage to arrive back at the Guilin Kingdom in just two days. It was only mid-afternoon when they return to the Third Prince's residence. The Third Prince disappeared to his study with Eunuch Lau Liu once they entered the manor and not long after, Long Lian's fast speed carriage stopped in front of the Third Prince's entrance.

No one stopped the princess from entering and once she got her answer from one of the servants, she ran straight to where Xiao Hua was currently at.

"Xiao Hua!" Long Lian bursts into the room with a loud squeal and glomps the surprised Xiao Hua, who had not even shed her winter attire. "Oh, is this your winter attire? You look adorable!" Long Lian pulled away and gushed at Xiao Hua's light shade of green coat with white furs at the end of the sleeves and collar.

It was actually Feng Jiu that gifted her this attire but Xiao Hua realize she should not say it to Long Lian, for she did not know if the princess knew about Feng Jiu or not. "It's a gift from the Third Prince's friend. It's comfortable and warm."

Long Lian caressed the soft furs before releasing it. "I will wait for you to change your clothes at the pavilion."

Each courtyard in the Third Prince's residence has a pavilion, but in the Spring Courtyard, it was much bigger than the others.

It does not take long for Xiao Hua to change with the help of Duan Xi Ying. When she arrived at the pavilion, Long Lian was eating a bowl of warm tofu pudding, and judging from the amount of empty bowl on the table, this was her second bowl of tofu pudding.

Long Lian beamed when she saw Xiao Hua making her way to the pavilion. Once the other girl seated beside her, Long Lian gestured at the other bowl of tofu pudding. "This was made by the Imperial Chef this morning. Mother Empress is in the mood to enjoy sweet desserts and I get to enjoy it as well."

Duan Xi Ying poured melted sugar onto the tofu pudding for Xiao Hua before taking her post at a distance where the two ladies could talk privately.

"Hmm," Long Lian stared at Xiao Hua with a slight frown. "This hairstyle is rather mature for you."

Xiao Hua had not allowed Duan Xi Ying to tie her hair back to the usual infinity shaped buns. She honestly thinks that side buns hairstyle was rather childish, even if she currently possessed a child's body.

"I like this hairstyle more." Xiao Hua self-consciously touched her hair, which was tied back at the back of her neck with a wide ribbon filled with flower buds. It took a lot of ribbons to make enough flower buds and stitch them all together on a single wide ribbon.

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