Vol 1 Chap 12- How could you make princess eat your leftovers?

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Chapter 12

"Er... she seems nice?" Faced with a sour-faced princess, Xiao Hua does not know what to do! Reader Le XiaoTing was one of the fangirls that steadily support the fierce heroine in manipulating, conquering and finally ruling the Guilin country with the handsome hero!

It was difficult for her to come up with negative thoughts of Liu Chu Chu when Xiao Hua supported most of what she did! Or what she was going to do in the future. That was how most readers reacted because the author wanted the readers to support the main characters by supplying the reason why the heroine acted that way.

But the author of this novel was soundly scolded as the book nearly reaching the end thanks to the unnecessary death of some characters. Le XiaoTing admitted that she was one of those readers that scolded the author in the heart but did not leave down a comment about her dissatisfaction.

"This... they ... are in a rush to marry?"

"Right?" Long Lian exclaimed. "That's what I thought too! The second Brother is too hot-headed!" Actually, Long Lian could not imagine her Second brother, someone that hardly showed his emotions on his face or through his actions, to be hot-headed, but that was the only thing she could come up with his reckless decision!

"Is she pretty?" Xiao Hua asked curiously. There would not be a chance for her to stand close enough to get a good look at the heroine's face.

"Hmph! So what if she has a pretty face? The granddaughter of Grand tutor's looks is not bad but what stood out is her talent in chess! She has the intelligence and beauty that match the Second brother well!"

Eh? Granddaughter of whom? Why this unknown person was suddenly butted into the conversation?

"Mother Empress was the one that chooses her, so her choice won't be wrong."

"Choose her... for what?"

Long Lian stared at Xiao Hua as if she had said something weird. "She is Second brothers' betrothed."

"Oh," was the only thing Xiao Hua could say. Xiao Hua only remembered that the Second prince only has one fiancée and no concubines, making him appear to be the best choice of a husband to all ladies. Their heart goes 'ba-thump' over a man that was not stray-eyed and faithful to his wife.

The author did introduce the background of his fiancée, but the simple-minded Le XiaoTing only read novels for fun and could only remember his wife was a granddaughter of a fellow by the name of Ping Pong [1]. That name was catchy enough to be remembered by her until now.

"The wedding is going to be held before the year ends, but now..." Long Lian gave Chu Chu a nasty glare. "An Jing, when will we reach Guilin?"

"His Highness plans to hasten the travel. It will be late afternoon when we arrive, Princess."

"We will sleep early so we can wake up early tomorrow then! Eh, Xiao Hua, you are not eating?"

Actually, Long Lian was talking and eating at the same time. Now that she was done, her eyes strayed to Xiao Hua's plate, who only able to eat a small portion of her dinner.

"I'm done eating. Here, you can have it." Xiao Hua passed her plate all too willingly.

"What? You don't look as if you have eaten much." Despite saying that, Long Lian still took the plate as she was still hungry.

"Princess, it would be better to wait for An Wan to come back with more meat," An Jing suggested.

"Ah... I'm already full so Ah Lian can have it," Xiao Hua said.

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