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Since they knew Anna was pregnant, Alex took care of her like she was as fragile as China glass. Whatever she did or moved around, he watched her like hawk. Even when she only carried her bag or satchel whenever they went out he took for her. And she never protest.

Her craving was too much for his like. Not he dislike it was just strange for him because she ate some food she never ate or like usual like pickles mixed peanut butter and blueberry jam or cucumber mixed mayo; chocolate ice cream mixed marshmallow and mayo and it made him going crazy.

And her request food for him to make was usual, like pasta, completed breakfast sometimes cake or cookies. He had to learn from his maid or did by himself while streaming youtube.

On her 7 months, Anna liked spoiled kid. She always feeling cramped on her legs, 4 or 5 times in a day. She only cried asking for help and complained.

One night when she wanted to use bathroom, she woke Alex up because she couldn't do it by herself. Alex carried her and sat her on the toilet. Before Alex could leave the bathroom, Anna sobbed.

"why are you crying? "

Alex knelt down in front of her.

" I always make trouble and disturb you as my cramp comes again. I feel useless. "

"don't talk nonsense, babe, " Alex grabbed her face and pecked her lips. "it's not because of you. Every pregnant woman has it and I never complain to help you because I love you and our baby. "

"thank you. "

She sniffed as Alex comforted her. He rubbed her stomach. After giving it a kiss, he then stood leaving her finished her business.

After two months, Anna went to labor. It happened when they watched movie, and Anna just got up to take her Apple juice. Yes, she was craving it and became her favorite.

She was suggested by the doctor when she was in her 9 months, she had to try walking much to make her eased for labor and it just happened.

Her water broke when she reached the refrigerator. Alex became freak out before he had to calm himself. He took baby bag and carried her to his car.

While Anna took a deep breath, he drove like madman. After arriving, he shouted for help and a nurse came bringing wheelchair.

Now, she was in the delivery room in his hospital. He went crazy as she felt the pain. It pained his heart to watch her struggled giving birth. And for the surprised they had twins. A girl and a boy.

Dr. Peter said she had to make C-section because her body too weak to make it normal. They had to make it quick because she was fully dilated.

She pushed as Dr. Peter commanded her. Alex grabbed her hand, sometimes he wiped her sweat.

Soft cry echoed the room.

"it's your little lady, Dr. Rojas, " Dr. Peter hold the baby and offered him to cut the cord. Then she handed to the nurse to clean the baby. "okay dear, your second baby on the way. I see the head. Now, push! "

Anna took a deep breath, and in one exhale she pushed the baby boy out. His crying echoed the room again.

"here is your little guy, " Dr. Peter offered him to cut the cord again.

Their babies handed by the nurse. Alex held their baby girl and Anna held their baby boy.

Alex stared at Anna as she was already weak and fainted still holding her baby boy in tears of joy.

"Doctor, my wife-"

"she was okay, Dr. Rojas," Dr. Peter said. "she just tired. With total rest, may be tomorrow she can awake. "

Dr. Peter cleaned Anna as Alex out of the room. The nurse took his babies to run another test. Then, after like forever Anna placed in VIP room. The nurse brought their angels in the small crib.

"so, how about the names, Dr. Rojas? "

" I'll discuss it when my wife wakes up. "

"okay, " the nurse went to the door. "if you need anything, don't hesitate to press the button. Now, excuse me. "

He stared adoringly at her. He didn't believe if she gave birth to their babies right now. She was so exhausted in hospital gown. He kissed her on the forehead and went to the twins.

They had the same black hair and nose, just like his. But their eyes still mystery. He kissed them on their cheek as he sat beside Anna to wait her wake up.

ANNASTACIA (wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now