The Prophecy of the Lost begun

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I love my Prophecy. Specially because it makes me feel like a troll. Hehe. Keep reading!

I slept uneasy that night. And images of my ex-stepfather appeared every once and again, so I didn't sleep well.

---------Next morning--------

"AHHHhHhhH!!" I woke up shaking and sweating. I had a nightmare about when Gabe won tasers. Those hurt and had left me a lot of scars...

......"Brain Boy!!! Look what I won at one of my games!" he sneered and took out of his pocket a taser. The bad thing is, I couldn't do anything- I'd get more beaten up. Gabe put on the taser and started to repeatedly punch me with it. All I can say was that I passed out soon......

I shook my head and sat up. 'I haven't heard of him' I thought. What if one day he finds me? That'd be impossible. I thought so. I sighed and stood up, grabbed some clothes and my converse, and put them on. I 'made' the bed and tried taming my hair a bit, but only made it worse. Brushing my teeth, I noticed a little hole in the wall. I looked at it, but wasn't of great importance to me, so left it. 

After I finished, I went out. Annabeth, Hazel, Piper, Frank and Jason were waiting for me, looking way too serious for my liking. 

"What's up?" I asked them.

"The Prophecy..." Jason began.

"And those scars on your body." Hazel interrupted. Crap.

"Ummm... I..." I frantically thought up some excuse, "I rolled down a thorny hill once?" Wow, Percy, real smooth. 

"Ya, sure!" Piper exclaimed, "You're gonna tell us from where you got those from, or else you won't see the daylight!" Scary Piper was really scary.

I sighed, but knew that I had to tell them.

"When I was four, my mother married to this guy, Gabe, whom was my stepfather until I was eleven. He..." I gulped hard and looked to the ground, "He was abusive and often hit my mother, but mostly hit me by punches, kicks, tasers, any object he could find, and..." C'mon, I could do this! "In the worst occasions sexual punishments." I took a deep breath. That's it, I told them, I thought.

Soon after that, I was engulfed in a huge hug, and couldn't help but cry all those tears that I've been holding back. Once we pulled apart, Annabeth whispered to me:

"I know of something we could do which will make you happier."

"What?" I whispered back.

"Underwater kiss." She responded. I chuckled and ordered a torrent of water to grab Annabeth and me. We were taken to the river, and there kissed each other affectionately, like the first time.

-------Le time skip to that same afternoon-------

We were playing volleyball on the beach. I felt as good as ever. The sound of the crashing waves and the laughter of my friends was all I needed at that moment, though it was clear that Leo wasn't there. I sighed.

Suddenly, a pit formed in the middle of the coast. And out came, unbelievably, Ceto, mother of all monsters, goddess of whales, large sharks and sea monsters. Instinctively, we got our weapons out. I uncapped Riptide, and took a step forward.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"MWHAHAHAHA!!! I want to make sure the Prophecy is done!" She smirked.

"What?" Annabeth asked, utterly confused.

But that question wasn't answered. We went down, down, and down, down a pit.

If you thought what I thought by what Annabeth said, you're such pervs! I am NOT going to put that kinda thing! Whatever, y'all liked it?

The best food in the world,


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