Another Prophecy?!

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TADAAAA!!! I love myself. I really do. And I love you guys too.

Another day, another funeral. What was it with me? I had two deaths on my shoulders, which were two of my friends' death. It was snowing and it was chilly. Due to the two funerals and dangerous intruder, all of the campers had to stay a little longer, both to shed tears for the fallen and to discover how Typhon got inside the camp.

I flopped down on my bunk bed, and silently cried. Why? Was all I thought. Why me? What is it with me? I soon started sobbing, and hyperventilating. I cried myself to sleep that night.

-------------Three days later-------------

Three days after Calypso committed suicide. Three more days of utter guilt. I sighed. Currently, I was at the beach, swimming in my own thoughts. But then again, I had to be interrupted. By dinner. 

I wasn't feeling like eating. Not anymore.

I stood up and made my way over to the fire.

I picked up a plate, on which magically appeared a big burger with chips, and threw some to the flames. The fire turned black. Then grey. And it then went out. What happened?

Suddenly, green mist appeared out of the blue, engulfing all of us. Rachel had gold eyes and she floated two meters above the floor.

"Thy six Half-Bloods shall walk on,   

To thou with new form,          

And shall seek true love,                

Amongst guilt and lost. 

But thy bravest shall not return, 

Nor the others in live bod. 

And thy hearts, shattered, dim, 

Not to be missed."                                                                                                                              

Once the Oracle of Delphi finished, the mist disappeared and Rachel fell to the floor. People rushed towards her to help, but I mentally recited the verses. What did it mean that 'Nor the others in live bod'? Or that 'thy bravest shall not return'? And shattered and dim heart that won't be missed? What did it mean? Who were the six Half-Bloods?

Jason glanced at me. I looked back to him. We were thinking the same thing. We were the six which the prophecy talked about; Hazel, Piper, Frank, Annabeth, Jason and me. 

Wouldn't it?

I know, I know! I'm the best poet in the world, I know! Thank you! *bows to one side* Thank you! *bows to the other*

Hehehe. Lol. That was improvised.

The best food in the world,


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