There we go, the gods hate me

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I heard footsteps near me as I splashed cold water onto my face. I watched maniacally as it ran along my arms and closed magically all of the fresh cuts, which littered my skin. However, I didn't notice the door being kicked down, nor the shouts nor the bathroom door swinging open. Only when I did turn around I realized. 

Jason grabbed forcefully my wrist and pulled it up. They all gasped. I had huge taser burns on my chest, deep knife cuts everywhere on my torso and other small white markings on nearly every inch of my body.

"Bro, from what are all these scars?" Jason asked, obviously shocked. His grip loosened and I took advantage, pulling away from him.

"It's none of your business." I snapped back. I grabbed my orange shirt and put it on. I pushed past them, without daring to look at them, and barged through the door. Then I proceeded to go somewhere where I could be alone. I was lucky they didn't go after me.

I sat down on Poop Pile, also known as Zeus' fist. It looked like deer droppings. Whatever. I sighed. When I went back, I'd be asked a lot of questions. None of which I wanted to answer. Suddenly, I saw something in the sky. Something made of celestial bronze. What looked like a small ship. Then I heard it. A loud victory shout. It strangely sounded like Leo. So, me being me, I decided to shout who's there. And guess what I was answered back.

"LEO MCSHIZZLE BAD BOY SUPREME IS BACK, BABY!" It was definitely him. The strange boat landed in front of me. It was around the size of a rowboat; 2 meters long, with a big oar at the end and a lot of food and incomprehensible machines in it. There was Leo. He looked exactly the same as before, with grease stains all over him and that belt around his waist. But there was someone else with him. A girl. 

"M'lady, you first." He said to the girl. She had dark almond eyes and caramel hair braided to one side. Realization struck me.

"Calypso." I whispered. Leo looked at me, then at Calypso. She must have recognized me too. 

"Percy." She stated. Wait, what? She was angry at me, I could tell. Meanwhile, Leo was utterly confused- you could tell because he was looking from Calypso to me, me to Calypso. 

"What? You know my girlfriend?" He asked. I choked on my on spit at those words. He had a girlfriend?

"Uhhh... Yeah. We met a long time ago." I couldn't take my eyes off her gaze.

Then the rest of the seven decided to appear. Must've heard the commotion. Crap. They hugged Leo, well, okay, squeezed him to nearly death and then they turned to Calypso.

"Sunshine, meet my friends!" Leo presented them. I was grateful Leo appeared. He was my friend and all, but it was mostly because with his arrival I could avoid the questions which I knew would be mentioned.

We had dinner, had a nice time. But then again, I'm a demigod. And a very powerful one at that. And the gods hate me. I'm very clear about that.

Typhon, father of all monsters, showed up. How he crossed the barrier, I didn't know. 

"Hello! I'm here to do a service to my master. Where is Perseus Jackson?" His loud voice boomed across the camp. He had bat-like wings, goats with teeth and spikes and large horns as hands, horns on his head, and his legs and feet were a huge snake tail. He had piercings on his face. Oh, schist. 

"It's Percy," I said whilst I uncapped Riptide. "What do you want?"

The monster laughed out loud. He then sneered.

"I want to kill you." Typhon lunged at me, but I dodged it in the last second. Soon, Hazel, Jason, Annabeth, Frank, Leo, Piper and Calypso were helping me killing the intruder. We dodged, attacked, defended. And we then circled him.

"You think I've lost?" He laughed hard.

"Percy!"  Someone shouted. I was instantly distracted. I made the mistake of looking around. Typhon attacked at me and I wasn't fast enough to dodge it. My eyes went big as I turned again to see him direct his tail towards him. 

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed out in fear. I was terrified. I closed my eyes shut and decided to wait for death. 

But it never came. Instead, when I ushered the courage to open my eyes, I saw crimson red liquid pour out onto the ground in front of me, staining the dirt and the grass. My head moved up and my breath quickened. Leo.

Frightened, I checked for some pulse. 

There was none.

Thank you for reading this! Don't you worry, more depressing stuff coming soon. Do you guys like Romeo and Juliet? Just curious.

The best food in the world,


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