I wish I hadn't been born

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Rewriting this. Thought it was a crappy version of the original masterpiece which I lost (but now I remembered where I put it. I accidentally stored it in my French book. Oops.). 

P.S. This story happens after the Second Great Prophecy.

Percy's POV:

My scarred hands scratched against the wooden table, my leg bounced uncontrollably and the salty wind shook my hair. Distant creaks plagued the background and crashing of waves flooded my ears. Only one thought wheeled in my head.

I wish I hadn't been born. Not ever. Never would've died with nothing. No one. Yet I stood there, defenceless, and with no chance of surviving.


I was sleeping peacefully on my bed in the Argo II. I was having a dreamless sleep, a miracle. The bed sheets were comfy, soft and was wrapped around my body perfectly. 

"Get up, Percy!" a muffled voice shouted from my room, "Get up, you big idiot! Don't make me come in there!"

As soon as I heard the last part, I tried to get out of bed. I just simply forgot one thing; I was bundled up in my sheets, so instead of getting out of bed, I fell out of bed, with all of the white sheets and my pillow. 

Annabeth must've heard my struggle, as I could hear some faint footsteps walking away from my door. 

I untangled myself as I could, which was pretty badly, and I threw the sheets onto the bed in an attempt of making the bed. Again, failing miserably. Then I put the side of the pillow I had used face down, so that you could barely see all the drool. If Jason finds it, he's going to go all 'clean lady' on me. Not good. I mean, who wants to hear about house maintenance when they're not even in a house?

I threw on a CHB t-shirt, some jeans, some random socks which I think I already used (they were smelly) and some trainers. I matted as best as I could my jet black hair in front of the mirror, but it would just pop out again. I brushed my teeth, used the toilet for you-know-what and then stopped at the mirror again.

"Lookin' good, Jackson." I said aloud and finger gunned at the mirror.

Opening the door and stepping into the hall, I sneakily tip toed to the Dining Room. 

"I HEARD SHOTS!" I screamed. 

"Which kind of shots?!" Piper stood up quickly and answered.

"GRATATATATA!" I yelled back. Then we broke up in a fit of laughter.

Hazel sighed, Annabeth face palmed, and Jason put his hands on his hips shaking his head slowly. Frank just looked around, not knowing what the Hades happened. We were in a very good mood. Today we were going to get back home. 

------------------Time skip to when we actually arrive--------------

Happily, we set foot on ground at Camp Half-Blood. Then came all the campers, from both camps, running wildly towards us. Chiron and Reyna appeared at the front, making their way past all the rest, who were cheering, whooping and clapping our backs. 

"I'm glad you made it back!" the chestnut centaur said. Then, he turned his back to us and put his arms up. "OUR HEROES HAVE COME HOME!"


That night we partied around the camp fire. There was music and food. Delicious food. It's a shame Leo wasn't here. Speaking of which, we were all devastated by his death. But we have known from the beginning that one of us would die. 

I crept on Annabeth and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hey, Wise Girl, wanna dance?" I asked.

"Only with you, Seaweed Brain." she responded and chuckled.

We danced.

We partied.

We laughed and we smiled.

After hours of partying, the hunters of Artemis came too. 

"Hey, Thals!" I shouted.

"Perce!" she hugged me and the punched me really REALLY hard on my arms.

"OW! Why did you do that?!"

"Because you're an idiot and you could've died." Then she left off.

Argentum and Aurum were playing together; nymphs, satyrs and fauns, centaurs and Tyson's cyclops friends had come too an hour before or so. 

All was perfect.

Except for the fact that Annabeth's forehead had creased into frown, her lips shut tight, and her eyes darting everywhere. It made me feel uneasy.

I don't know. I feel this is better. Bye!

The best food in the world,


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