Chapter 26

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Logan's POV

I sighed, stroking Aspen's hair as she slept peacefully. I glanced down at her belly and leaned down, laying my head on her belly. "Hey baby are you?" I rubbed it gently, smiling as Lindsay kicked, "It's Daddy, just checking up on you..I can't wait for you to be here. Daddy can't wait to meet you. I love you so much princess...I want you to know that forever. You're my little girl." I felt tears rush up into my eyes and I sniffed, choking them back. "I need you to look after your mommy if anything happens to Daddy alright? Be a good girl to mommy now. Daddy loves you." I kissed Aspen's belly and felt her fingers run through my hair. I looked up and grinned sheepishly, "Sorry..I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep. Lindsay and I were just having a heart to heart conversation." She yawned and stretched and I marveled at how simply stunning she was. She shrugged and gazed at me lazily, "Hard to when someone is kicking your bladder..I have to pee." I laughed outright and jumped off the bed, "Here, let me help you." I helped her off the bed and watched her waddle to the bathroom. I sank on the edge of the bed and waited. Finally five minutes later, she reappeared. "It's like the bathroom gets farther and farther away every time I want to go." She puffed slightly and sank beside me. I grinned and slid into a comfortable position, patting the bed beside me. She crawled into my arms and I wrapped them around her. She sighed and shifted, uncomfortable. "This baby is going to make it impossible to cuddle." She ran a finger down my neck and kissed me. I sighed and hugged her closer, "You're so beautiful. I'll still find a way to cuddle." Her finger ran down my neck and stopped on my tattoo, on my chest. She gasped and pulled my shirt away from the tattoo. It was a tiny crown, I had gotten it when I had joined the gang and was planning to get another, for Lindsay and Aspen. Aspen traced it gently then looked at me, "Of all the times I've seen you come I never realized you had a tattoo!" I laughed and shrugged, "I don't's not something that important to me...I actually want to get another one." She cocked her head in surprise. "Why did you get the first one?" I ran my teeth over my lip nervously, "A family thing...something I wish to get rid off." Aspen pursed her lips, "Whenever you want to tell can, but why do you want a new tattoo?" I smiled down into her eyes and rubbed her cheek, "I want to have a tattoo for my two favorite girls. Nothing too big..but something important to me." Aspen smiled and kissed me. "You are just too good for me..why do you keep worrying that something will happen to you?" I looked into Aspen's bright blue eyes and sighed, "I need to tell you might not want to stay with me after you find this out...I don't blame you, but I can't keep it from you anymore." Worry clouded the blueness of her eyes and she nodded, gripping my hand, "Go ahead." I sighed and looked out the window, rubbing Aspen's fingers. "I'm in a gang. It's mostly my dad's's more of a mafia then gang really but we're small and sometimes..the leaders are cruel. I had to join when I was 13..or they would've killed my that's why I have the tattoo. And the reason I'm so worried about not being there for you is because I have to complete a mission..and my boss wants it done before Lindsay comes. He's threatened you, Lindsay and my family if I don't get it done. Remember when I went to pick up my dad? They beat him up Aspen....I have to make you understand..this is a dangerous thing but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I promise..I will never let anyone hurt you..or Lindsay. Ever. My dad will help us if we need it." Aspen blinked and looked down. I sighed, "I was too much to ask. I'll leave." Aspen gripped my hand and shook her head, "No! Don't leave..I love you Logan and if that's what you are..we'll figure it out..I don't want Lindsay to grow up in that but we'll figure it out..please stay."  My heart swelled with love this girl carrying my baby, someone I thought I would never love and here I was, unable to not love her. I pulled her face to mine and gave her a kiss. "I love you Aspen." I murmured on her lips. I felt her smile on my lips, "I love you too..I'm so glad you told me. I knew something was bothering you." I laughed and looked into her eyes. I watched as her teeth chewed on her lower lip and my breath caught, "You're so beautiful." I leaned down and kissed her again, not soft and sweet but more filled with love and desire. She pulled away and laughed softly, "Ok, I think that's enough racing heartbeats for today." I laughed and lay down, arms behind my head. "Ok, let's just talk then." Aspen lay on my chest and drew circles, "What is your mission?" I scratched my head, "It's kind of confusing. I need to find out if there is a spy in our gang from another gang from school...after that Boss will figure it out. As long no one comes after my family, I'm okay." Aspen nodded then frowned, "How come I didn't notice?" I shrugged and closed my eyes, "It's essential for me to keep it a secret.. and since I'm the bad boy its easy to not think anything more than a bad boy."
"Does Linda know?" I blinked and sighed, "One of the reasons I decided to tell you is because my dad never told my mom and she and Crystal are constantly in danger...and they have no clue." I saw the frown on Aspen's face and fingered with her hair, "It's not my business to tell Mom..But Dad said he's gonna tell we'll see." I felt her nod and kissed her hair, "I love you baby girl." I heard her giggle and sigh, "I love you too babe." She snuggled into my arms and ran fingers over my chest as I fell asleep.

Whhooooaaa so how did y'all like this chapter? Hope you like it a lot! Keep reading, commenting and voting my lovelies❤💓💕💖💗

xoxo writing_princess16

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