Part 19

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I'll insert a picture when I can.

Collins POV:

The birthday party had finally ended, all of the friends I had come to make in this place had left with their parents. "Collins!!!" I heard Julia yell. "Come into the kitchen honey". I walked over to the kitchen and she was standing there in her usual attire. Thinking about it, it was very sexy housewife-ish with the blouse, pencil skirt, and pumps. She was gathering the different bowls and told me that she and Steve needed to talk to me about something. She walked over to me and placed me on the bar stool.

"Remember a long time ago mommy and daddy asked you about stopping you from growing older?" she asked me.

I tried my best to hide the look of shock. I had completely forgotten about that. "Yeah, mommy" I lied. Steve had walked in and grabbed a couple of chips from the bowl.

"Your appointment is tomorrow." Steve said as he chewed the nacho cheese flavored Doritos. "Steve I was trying to ease her into the idea that she was scheduled to get it done tomorrow, you might scare her." Julia sneered.

Steve apologized, continued to eat his chips and began helping clean up the mess.

After Julia had finished cleaning up she came in my room to get me ready for bed. She went into my bathroom and drew a bath adding extra bubbles. Just like every night she helped with the bath, brushed my hair and read me a story. When she was done Steve would come in read me a couple of books and talk about random things. Tonight's topic was family.

"You know that mommy and I are so happy." he began "it's just gonna be us forever. I love having you, princess. Tomorrow is gonna make our lives ten times better, for all of us. We do these things for the family, and most of all mommy." he kissed my forehead and left the room. Julia came back into the room and kissed me goodnight. That night I had a hard time falling asleep. I just kept thinking about how I was gonna be seven for the rest of my life. The night dragged on but I don't remember falling asleep.

Julia came into my room happy and full of energy. She had put my hair into two pigtails and had dressed me in a dress, leggings and cool combat boots. Steven was already dressed and waiting in the car for us. Julia helped me get in and buckled my seatbelt. We drive to the very important building and head inside. The old doctor decided that he wanted to take time off so he went on temporary leave, the new doctor directed us into an exam room. 

"Hello Everetts, today we will stop the aging process for Collins Everett." he said while looking at the chart. Both Julia and Steven nodded their heads. The doctor called for one of the nurses. She came in and handed me a cup. The doctor told me to drink all of it. I did as I was instructed and drank the weird blue liquid. He then placed me on the table and injected me with something. 

"This will make you feel sleepy in a bit. When you wake up you get to go with mommy and daddy." he stammered. Moments later my consciousness began to slip in and out as I listened to him talk to Julia and Steve.

"Are you sure you want to because once they are gone they can't be replaced." the doctor said. And then I was out.

Julia POV:

I watched as Collins slipped in and out of consciousness. 

"Mrs.Everett!" the doctor blurted. 

"Now I am going to go over the procedure before she is taken. The aging process will stop her just as it does everyone who decides to do so. And then after that, you want to have some of her memories wiped and new ones implanted." he explained. 

"Yes. That's what we want." I said. 

"Are you sure you want to because once they are gone they can't be replaced." he reassured. I nodded my head. 

"Collins is wonderful and beautiful but she doesn't act like a child. Her reactions, and everything else feels forced or fake. I want authentic unconditional love that every child gives their mother and father, so if this is what it takes then so be it." I said to the doctor. He then called his team to come and take Collins.

The procedures were going to take a little over 24 hours so we were instructed to go home and wait. We went home and felt like we were waiting on pins and needles. I couldn't sleep at all. I went and sat in Collins bedroom, looking at all the toys that she would finally play with, thinking about the little things that we could do. Finally, the telephone rang and it was the doctor telling us that we could pick up Collins.

When we got there she was up playing with barbies in the toy room. The doctor brought her out and I thought that she wouldn't even recognize us. She just stood there. 

"See I told you that your mommy and daddy would be back." He said to her.

 She ran over to me screaming "Mommy!! Mommy!!" embracing me. Her hug felt like something different, it felt like a real child's hug. 

That is the end of Collins Story. She will forever live her life as a child physically and mentally. I felt like I needed to give you some type of Closure about Collins. From here on out it will be about Maxine. Also, you guys can check out my new story Letters to My Daughter. 

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