Part 7

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Julias POV:

Collins and I had been out on our morning stroll around CLS, It was Halloween morning I was walking passed the Children's elementary school, with Collins in the stroller. One little girl came up to us and asked if she could see Collins up closely. She watched as Collins chewed on a teething ring asking what was it for.

"It's for her brand new teeth that are coming in." I told the little girl. She nodded and told me she was happy.

"How old is she?" asked the little girl. "She's 6 months old and will be 7 months in a few days.

"What is she gonna be for Halloween" The little girl kept questioning.

" She's gonna be a little bumblebee" I told her "Are we gonna see you and your parents later on tonight?" I asked her.

"I don't know" the little girl replied waving by as she entered the school building. Collins and I continued with our morning walk and returned home. Steve greeted us at the door and picked up Collins right out of the stroller. Smothering her in kisses and love, turning to me next.

We went upstairs to get Collins ready for tonight, I wanted it to be special because this would be her first Halloween with us. She had wet her diaper so I changed her and saw that she was getting a little fussy. I handed her off to Steve so that I could go in the closet and get out the costume for her but I noticed that it was time for her feed. 

I took her in my arms and rocked her in the rocking chair as she suckled on my nipple. This was our bonding time and I loved every moment of it.

Collins POV:

Our eyes looked deep into each other while I nursed. I hated it when we did that because it was always so awkward for me, but I didn't have anywhere else to look so I just kept looking into her eyes. I remember them bringing me to the doctor yesterday because she was worried about me not eating. I mean I didn't like the whole breastfeeding idea but I stopped because my gems were killing me. the doctor finally hit the nail on the coffin when he told them that I was teething and soon would be trying to chew everything in sight. 

That was not the case, I may look like a baby but I know where germs come from. When I was done eating she threw me across her shoulder and waited for me to release some gas. After that, she laid me down for a nap and I clocked out. 

I woke up to some excruciating pain in my mouth and began to scream my ears off, Steve came running in to check and see what was wrong. He tried giving me stuffed animal's, pacifiers, toys and whatever he could grab but none of it was going to help with my pain. 

"Look bunny mommy's not here right now. And I don't know what you want." He panicked while taking me downstairs. He sat my in my highchair and tried to console me. 

"Daddy's gonna fix it." Between the both of us I knew he wasn't gonna be able to handle me by himself.  

"Ice. Steve, grab the Ice" I thought to myself. Steve picked up the phone and I guess he called Julia.

"Babe, she's crying and I don't know what to do." he said. He talked for about a couple of minutes and then hung up the phone. I was still screaming, I thought most babies were exaggerating the teething thing but it felt like someone was trying to get out of my gums by stabbing at them. Steve went to the fridge and pulled out this weird looking ice tray. he pulled out a frozen white ice pop and handed it to me. 

As soon as I took it in my hands I began gumming it down. It's didn't taste like an ice pop but like cold milk from Julia's breast. I didn't care though, it made my gums feel great. Soon as the milk-sickle was devoured a look of terror came across Steves' face. I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"Da...da" We both looked at each other in shock. I can't believe that came out of my mouth. 

"What did you say cuddle bunny?" he asked. 

"Dada!!" there it was again. I don't know what's happening to me but it just felt right. And if I'm being honest Steven wasn't that bad. I sort of liked him as a dad. 

Just then Julia walked in and saw that me and daddy (Weird!! I know)  were looking each other in the eyes, studying one another. 

"What's going on here?" she asked with a confused look on her face. 

"She said DADA" he shouted happily. Daddy picked me up from the highchair and repeated it again  "She said DADA." 

Julia's eyes lit up, "Stop!! I missed her first word." she said. 

"DADA" I said clapping my hands at how silly they both looked.

"See, she said it again. That's the third time today." he said happily.

Julia took me out of daddy's arms and tried to get me to say "mama".

"MAMA. Come on... Say MAMA" I looked at her confused as all hell. If she wanted me to say, mama, she was gonna have to work for it. 

Julias' POV:

For the next couple of day's all, I heard around the house was "DADA DADA." It was driving me insane. Today Steve had to go to work early and I had to take Collins to the Doctors all by myself. She was getting a needle today and I was really nervous about the outcome. 

I gave Collins a bath in the sink and put her in a cute black and gold onesie that said "Daddy's girl and Mommy's World" with a cute black headband and gold leggings.  I loaded her into the car seat and headed for Dr.Owens. When we arrived I had to get her undressed and kept her occupied. I had forgotten to give her her morning feed so I did it right there. Dr.Ownes then walked in.

"You know that you can start her on solids," he said 

I unlatched her from my breast, covered myself up and sat her on the table. Of course, he didn't warn me and just stuck her with 2 needles right in her chubby little thighs. She began to holler at the top of her lungs. I tried to walk over and console her but Dr.Owens wanted to see if she knew how to soothe herself. 

"Mama" I heard looked over at Collins in shock. "Mama," she said again making grabby gestures with her baby hands. I walked right on over and scooped her up. Bouncing her back and forth trying to stop her tears from coming out.  My heart was bursting right now, my baby had just said mama. She called me mama. I thought that I would never hear her say it, but she did. 

After that Dr.Owens told me the visit was done and that I would now go ahead home. He told me that she was a little smaller than a baby her age but she was small as a fourteen-year-old so I shouldn't have to worry about it. On our way home Collins fell asleep, and I called Steve on the car phone. "She said it babe," I said

"Said what? Who said what?" he asked sounding confused. 

"Collins said mama." I replied. 

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