Part 15

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When I woke up I could feel the electric pain pulsating behind my eyes. I sat up and realized that I was in the backseat of a car. I couldn't clearly see where the car was headed but I heard a familiar voice. 

"I really can't wait. It's really happening." I heard someone say. It sounded like Mrs.James, but before I knew it I was out cold again.  I got up and realized that I saw sitting in a nursery, my head was still throbbing but I got passed that. This wasn't my house, I had to get the hell out of here. I walked over to the door, I tried twisting the doorknob but it was locked. I began to kick and bang on the door, "Let me out" I yelled. No answer. I sat there on the floor and began to examine my surroundings. I'll admit that it was a very pretty nursery, I guess whoever I was with had twins. I sat down in the rocking chair located in the corner, I put my head in my lap and began to think of how the hell I was gonna get out of here. 

"Are you done with your tantrum?" I heard someone say from the other side. It wasn't any voice I knew of. 

"Please let me out. I just want to go home." I pleaded. 

"You are home. Mother and Father wouldn't like you making this much noise." the voice said.

"I'm sorry. I won't be loud. And what do you mean that I'm home?" I asked. 

"I have to go. I'm not supposed to be talking to you." The voice said.

"No, wait... Please!!! Let me out." I cried. There was no answer from the voice o the other side. I slid down to the floor and let the tears roll down my face. I sat there crying, thinking about my family. I just wanted to be at my house in my bed. I heard the footsteps outside in the hallways and listened to them as they made their way closer to the room I was in. 

"Hello, is that you?"I asked. The door opened and it was Mrs.James. 

"Sweetheart, why are you crying?"She asked

"I want to go home." I told her.

"But you are home." She told me.

"Landon told me about the temper tantrum you had earlier. I know that your confused but it's going to make sense in a minute." She said as she guided me up off the floor. She wiped away my tears and walked me out of the room. I looked back at the door and saw that it had two large L's nailed to it. Mrs.James brought me downstairs to this very nice dining room. Her husband was sitting there and so was this boy. He looked to be around my age, about 16 or 17. She sat me right next to him and took her place across from me. She shot a look over at the boy next to me and then began passing around the bowls of food. I kept my hands in my lap under the table and just eyed them. 

"Landon, Maxine told me that you were talking to her." She said.

"Yeah, she was throwing a fit so I decided to go and see what for." He replied. She nodded her head and put a scoop of mashed potatoes on her plate. 

"So Maxine, I know that you're wondering why you are here." she began. I looked over at her with a look of confusion plastered on my face "I always wanted to have twins and when I got pregnant I was so happy. But when I gave birth to your brother over here, I had to have a hysterectomy. So twins weren't in my future. Somehow we found this wonderful place of dreams and they said that they would make this happen for us. We talked to Landon about it ad he was on one hundred percent on board. We just needed to find ourselves another little one. You were on my mind for a long time. We watched you for about three months and finally decided we couldn't wait any longer." she finished.

"So what does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"This community helps people conceive the unconventional way. You and Landon are gonna take part in that procedure. Your gonna be twins." Her husband said. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. I got up and bolted to the front door. I tried to open it but it was locked, I tried throwing anything at the glass door but it wouldn't shatter. 

I heard someone walking near me.

"You know you can't get out of this house. I had it childproofed. But I can honestly see that your tantrums are gonna be one to handle. " Mrs.James said.

"Are you gonna come back to dinner?" she asked. I just looked at her. She shrugged her shoulders and walked back to the rest of her family. I didn't want to let her see me cry so I waited till she was out of view to let it all pour out. By the time I had finished the sleeves of my sweater were soaked. I walked back to the table and saw that she was clearing the table. 

"Are you ready to be civilized and eat something?" she asked me. I nodded my head because I was starving, I think I hadn't eaten two days. She pulled out a plate of food from the refrigerator, warmed it up and sat it I front of me. I ate a couple of spoonfuls, but not eating a lot, I didn't want to give her that satisfaction of knowing that her cooking was somewhat good. After eating she brought me to Landon's bedroom, he had a spare bed in there and told me that I should get a good nights rest because tomorrow was gonna be something very special. Once she left, I wet to go and see if the door was unlocked. It wasn't so I laid there in bed crying softly.

"I should have told you she locks my door as well." I heard Landon say.

"Why, don't you try to leave?" I asked sniffling.

"They're my parents. She hated me my whole life because I wasn't a twin and because I messed her body up. When I was little I tried to gain her affection but all she talked about was how she hated me. When she told me about this place, I thought she was crazy but I just want her to love me. And by doing this I get to start all over again." he said.

"I'm sorry you felt that way, but I already had a family. Parents who loved me and a little sister." I told him. He was quiet, I turned over and continued my quiet sobbing. I cried myself to sleep that night dreaming about my family. Dad was carrying Hannah on his shoulders and mom and I were watching the clouds pass by. When I woke up I was still locked in Landon's room. Mrs.Jams came in and tol us to ready up because we were leaving in a few. 

I sat up on the bed and thought that this was my chance. Landon just looked over at me and scoffed.

"What?" I asked

"I know what your thinking." He said. I shot him a look of confusion.

"Your thinking that once we're outside you can make a run for it. But This entire community is just like my family. Everyone who lives within these gates is either like you and me or they moved here for the same reasons along what mom went through." he said to me.

"She's not my mom." I told him.

" You better get used to the idea real fast because soon we're gonna be sharing everything." he said.

Mr and Mrs.James came in and told us to wash up and get into the car. I did as I was told, following Landon. 

We arrived at a very large building, there were a lot of women who either had small children or were pregnant. They brought me into this weird room where they took my blood and ran some test on it. They went to talk to The James' while I was in the room by myself. I began looking around for anything, a knife, bat, anything, but the room was empty. Mrs.James walked happier than I had ever seen her.

"They cleared you for the creation implantation. Their gonna do it today." She said holding my hands. I just looked at her and began balling. 

They had us sit i these weird metal chairs, I was still crying.  The walls of the room were turned into mirrors and I just saw rows of people standing there oohing and awwing. Some woman came in giving a long speech. The Doctors had taken blood from the Mr. and Mrs. James ad had then injected into my veins only. Mrs.James was first to strip, then Mr.James the doctors stripped Landon and me, I felt so exposed and degraded. I felt instant pain and then I felt nothing.

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