Part 17

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Space had become tight and both Landon and I were becoming aggravated with each others company. His foot always in my face, it was so aggravating to know that for the rest of this pregnancy he would be in my personal space. Landon had gone to sleep and it was just me up by myself. From the outside of this forsake barrier I could feel poking and prodding, some object was constantly moving around and stayed in one space at a certain moment in time. 

"Here is Baby B, it looks to be the girl, and here is her heartbeat. Now let's take a look  at Baby A." I heard. The object moved from near me over to where Landon was. He grew annoyed at the movement, I understood that one.

"Well Mrs.James you're nearing your 36th week and with twins that is when they are normally born so I want to schedule their delivery for the 12th." I heard someone say.

"Why not just go the length of the entire pregnancy?" I heard Mrs.James ask

"Well, one reason is that we don't want you to have the children naturally because both babies are not it a good position for that. Baby A is in a transverse position where his back is blocking the opening. In addition to that, Baby B seems to be smaller and some susceptible to complications during delivery.  It's better for us to get to them before they have any ideas and put all three of your lives at risk." I heard the doctor reply back to Mrs.James.

I kicked Landon, trying to get his attention. "Hey, I think they are talking about us." I said to him.

"And? Your point is?" he smart mouthed me.

"For one we finally get to leave your mother's womb." I snarled at him.

"Why do you keep saying, my mother? You think that as soon as your born your just gonna go back to your old life, it's not gonna happen. Your gonna be a James forever, My parents are ow your parents. Get used to it." Landon yelled at me.

I knew I couldn't go back to my old life, but it doesn't mean that I can't expose these people for what they are. 

"I know that but that doesn't mean that I have to enjoy or be a part of your life. You must forget the fact that you are just as horrible as YOUR parents." I yelled back at home.

"If you stay with that mentality once we're finally born, then you have another thing coming. Trust and believe mom isn't the best person to be around if she doesn't get what she wants. So it's your life." he replied.

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting, I've been very busy.

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