Part 2

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I held my bag in my lap as the bus continued on the highway. I was thinking what I was gonna do with only twenty-two dollars to my name. I knew that if anything I couldn't go back to the foster care system. The bus came to a halt and it was time to get off, it was so much different and colder. The thin jacket I had on didn't really help against the harshness of the cold. I began walking not knowing where I was going. I think I had been walking or at least an hour before my feet gave out, and it had began to rain.  I sat on the side of the road for about five minutes before I began to see cars pass by me. I remember seeing a girl in a movie stick her thumb out for a ride and I decided that was my best bet. 

I had been sticking my thumb out for fifteen minutes before anyone stopped their car, the woman on the passenger side rolled down her window and said: "What is a beautiful girl like you doing out here at this time of night.?" 

"Well, ma'am I'm just trying to make my way through into town. My mom forgot to pick me up" I lied. I don't know how but the woman knew I was lying "Sweetheart, you don't have to lie. I want to help you so get in the car. With those wet clothes and hair, your gonna get sick." she said. 

She hopped out of the car and opened the door to the back of the car where I climbed in. "My name is Julia and this is my husband Steven," she said as she hopped back into the passenger seat. 

"My name is Averi." I whispered. 

"Well, Averi you're gonna come home with us because no mother would EVER leave her child alone in this weather" She smiled as she looked back at me. I sat there looking at her face in the rearview mirror. I could only see her eyes but they were beautiful. They were Ice blue and sparkled, like actual sapphires. 

While we were driving she asked me why I had lied about going to my "moms" house. I told her the truth that I was a runaway foster kid who had nowhere to go. But before she could say anything we were pulling into their driveway. They had a spectacular home. 

"Your house is amazing!! Is it only the two of you." I asked out of curiosity while admiring their home.  Steven looked at Julia before stepping out of the car.

"Well, yeah. We bought it thinking that we could start a family, but neither of us was able to have kids of our own. What's the odds of that?" she answered with sorrow in her voice.

"I didn't mean to upset you." I told her.

"You didn't. It was a very good question to ask. I mean I have been pestering you all night haven't I." She told me. 

We both got out of the car and made our way to the big house. She took me to a room upstairs and told me that this would be my room for the time being. She went into her room and handed me a set of pajamas. "I know they may be a little big, but mine are better than Steves big shirts" she joked. 

I put on the satin pajama set after a nice long bath and I completely melted. These were the best things that my body and felt. Julia asked me did I need anything and that if I did to call her. I rushed over to my backpack that sat in the corner of the chair and took out my last twenty-two bucks and motioned for her to take it. 

"I can't take that sweetheart."She told me. 

"But you and your husband have been so kind. I have to pay you somehow." I told her.

"No you really don't, you are already repaying us by bringing happiness into this home." she stated with a large smile on her face. 

She walked over to me and motioned me to the bed, I got in and she tucked me. She cut the light off and left the huge room.

Julia and Steves House:

Julia and Steves House:

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