Chapter 46

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I glimpsed behind my shoulder to see Hudson in a black suit. How I hated the fact that the only thing I could think about in this moment was how good he looked. I could tell that he had reverently shaved and the sun hit his face making his blue eyes shine at me.

"You don't need to do this. You don't want to do this. Pandora, think about your soul" he held his arm up and slowly walking towards me.

That's exactly the reason why I didn't want him here with me. He tried to stop me from my mission. My current only goal. This talk about saving my soul and that I don't want to be like him and Blue was bullshit. It was too late. I was already like them.

Many people had told me that they didn't feel better after they got their revenge because their beloved one was still dead. But I was aware of the fact that my mother was dead. I just wanted Kiran to be dead, too.

"You don't know what I want" I replied looking at Kiran again. He had this stupid grin upon his face.

"Mate! Give your girl the chance to make her own decisions" I turned around to see Blue sitting and leaning on the back of a chair while eating from a back of Doritos. The day Blue is serious for once is the day the apocalypse starts. Maybe not even then.

"Shut up, Blue!" We hissed in unison.

"Pandora, I know you want revenge but this won't help you" I had seen enough movies to know his speech by heart.

You won't feel better afterwards... killing him won't bring your mother back... you don't need to do this... just call the cops and let him rot in jail... once you go there, there's no coming back...

I know all that!

"I know what you're trying to do, Hudson but it's not working" I replied calmly and wiped off some blood from the corner of my mouth.

Kiran made himself comfortable on the ground and grinned at me. "If you're going to kill me anyway I might as well tell you that your beloved Tobias is dead."

Dad! He killed my father?

"Yeah, it's been four or five months now, right Hudson?" He gave him and innocent look and when I followed his eyes I found Hudson clenching his jaw, his shoulders all tensed and his hands turned to fists.

"You knew?" My voice was cracking and I felt my hands getting sweaty.

"I wasn't sure" he replied not daring to look at me.

My father was dead but I wasn't shocked or sad. I was totally calm and that scared me. I was mad at Kiran but I didn't feel anything when pictures of my dad flashed in my mind.

"He killed everyone in my family and you want me to spare him?" I asked disbelief.

"You don't want to do that" he repeated like a broken CD.

"Are you even listening to yourself?! He killed my mother, my father and that's just the list of people I know he killed. He shot his own sister! If I don't kill him now he will kill me and other people. There is no good inside of him! Nothing to be saved" I bursted angrily.

He gulped and looked away because he knew I was right. Kiran deserves to die -if not for me then for all the people he could hurt in the future.

"Pandora don't. Once you go this path there is no turning back!"

And there's the movie quote I have been waiting for!

I shook my head and pointed the gun to Kiran's face. Someone would die today and if Hudson didn't stop me, it would be Kiran.

"I beg you. Don't do it! I love you and I don't want you to turn your soul dark" he said in a begging tone. "Because I. Love. You." He empathized every word.

I closed my eyes and gulped. How could these three little words mess with my head and heart bringing me completely out of concept. My eyes started filling up with tears.

It took him both of my parents' death to tell me that he had feelings for me -that he loved me. That was just... I couldn't think clearly enough anymore.

I took a deep breath in and waited for a few seconds to let the air out of my lungs again. I opened my eyes and looked at Kiran, completely ignoring Hudson's statement.

I was here for one reason and Hudson telling me that he loved me shouldn't change it even though I wanted to kiss him now so bad and tell him that I loved him, too. I wanted to hug him and cry in his arms but I had to be strong. The little girl who cried all the time was dead.

I pulled the trigger and watched as Kiran's lifeless body sank to the ground.

"What about now? Do you still love me?"

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