Chapter 36

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I got back to my room after I spent the day with Hudson and threw my bags to my bed. Surprisingly I found myself smiling. I didn't think I would do that in the near future but here I was, smiling like an idiot.

On our way back he told me a lot of stories about his grandmother Helena. They used to go feeding ducks every Sunday when his family would visit them and she always told him exciting stories as a kid.

It was odd seeing him speak so open to me about his past or about himself in general. He had this sparkle in his eyes when he talked about his family that showed nothing but pure love.

His father died a few years ago and his mother had a lot of financial issues so he went to the NSJP. They erased his identity, fingerprints, just everything. He's basically a ghost. All the money he makes from -well what ever he is doing at the NSJP- goes to his family. They of course think he's dead but he says it's better like that. They have a good life and if he can't be with them that's just a small price to pay for their luck.

"Did you make your decision yet?" I jumpedto hear Blue.

How does he always get in here without even making a sound.

"I thought you would come back later. It's only nine" I replied nervously.

The truth was I didn't know. I was trying to make myself some time but apparently Blue had other plans. After his visit last night I thought a lot about what he said and I realized that I am a crybaby. I don't know anything about self defense and I am crying all the time!

But after spending the day with Hudson it felt more than just wrong to leave without any word. I was feeling like I would be betraying him even though we're not even- well what are we?

He's not anymore my bodyguard because my parents fired him and honestly he sucked at him job. I got kidnapped and then everything went south. Actually it even started before. As soon as I walked inside my house my life completely changed. I went from a boring college student with not many friends and family to an homeless orphan with no friends at all.

I tried to call my friends Lisa, Felix and Ziggy a few times but they never picked up or called me back. Great friends, I know!

"So that's a no. You haven't made a decision" he sat on the brown chair and took one of the water bottles of the table to drink from it.

I pushed the bags aside and sat on my bed. Completely frustrated with the situation right now I ran my hands through my hair.

"I- I don't know what to do" I said weakly.

"You do. You are just scared to admit it" Blue sighed, took of his black coat and put it on his lap.

No I don't!

I started to make a to do list in my head and when I got the results I realized that he was right. I already knew it.

The first reason to go would be that I he would train me. I would become strong and I could also get away from everything. And most importantly I could get revenge by myself. I would be able to fight Kiran. Just because he said that we're free to go doesn't mean he won't send men to have all of us killed. Both, Hudson and my dad assumed that and honestly I don't think it's that far away from reality.

And when I searched for reasons to stay I only found two: my dad and Hudson.

"Let me say good bye to them first."

He nodded and told me that he would be waiting for me on the third floor.

I quickly wrote a letter to my dad in case he wouldn't let me into his room. And as predicted he refused opening the door. I knocked and begged him to let me in but nothing.

I understood nd that he was hurt and traumatized. His wife just died. But I really could have used a father.

After a few minutes passed by I just slid the letter through under his door and walked to Hudson's room. I knocked and waited for him to open the door.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" he asked with a bright smile plastered on his face. I guess he was currently working out because he was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a black shirt which was covered in sweat just like the rest of him.

"It's just... I thought I.." I didn't think about what to say when he would open the door and seeing him like that, with his shirt sticking to his abs made it impossible for me to improvise.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

"I wanted to thank you for today. You really helped me. Thank you" I got on my top toes and held his shoulders to give him a peck on his cheek.

Goodbye Hudson!

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