Chapter 10

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I was laying in bed with tears running down my face.

After Hudson apologized for like the hundredth time and I wouldn't stop screaming Venus ran out and tore both of us inside.

She locked us in the room and ordered us to stay silent so she could sleep.

Hudson told me to lay in bed and he would be sitting in front of the door.

I agreed to his suggestion because I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

I turned around to see him staring at me blankly.

"What?" I hissed.

He sighed and put his arms around his knees.

"Nothing" he replied pissed.

Why is he mad now? I'm the one we is allowed to sulk. He has no right.

I pulled the blanket up to my chin and closed my eyes again. But I just couldn't get rid of the feeling that his eyes were scanning me from head to toe.

As I glimpsed at him he was still observing me.

"Stop staring at me. Will you?" my throat hurt because I was trying to yell at him and yet not wake up Venus.

Hudson rubbed his eyes and then answered quietly "There is nothing else to stare at."

Oh really? Well I am so sorry that your decision to lie to me again got you locked in a room with me where you have nothing else but me to look at.

"And besides, the floor is quite uncomfortable."

After moving closer to the edge of the bed I took the pillows behind me and built a wall.

I pointed at the other side of the bed "You can sleep there."

I knew it was childish to build a wall of pillows between us but I just couldn't stand the thought of him accidentally touching me. And I couldn't just let him sleep on the ground.

"No, I'll be fine" he assured hesitantly.

It seemed to me that he was purposely trying to piss me of. I was surely not playing the game where I ask him several times to come to bed and he says no until he finally decides to do it.

Madly I turned away and placed my head on my hand because my pillow was completely sodden.

I woke up by a constant warm breeze on my neck. My back touched something hard and I felt a light pressure on my waist.

As I opened my eyes I noticed Venus leaning in the doorframe. She smirked when our eyes met.

I looked down at myself to see Hudson's arm around my waist and our legs tangled with each other.

Shocked and confused I sat up and pushed myself away. But unfortunately the bed wasn't as large as I expected it to be. I lost balance and fell off the bed.

Venus threw her head back and bursted out in laughter. It was a loud high sound.

In the corner of my eyes I noticed Hudson getting up and rubbing his eyes. His blond hair was messy and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"What happened?" He looked confused and his voice was deep and gruffly.

Venus helped me up and replied in a teasing tone "The two of you were cuddling while sleeping and when she woke up she looked terrified."

Hudson turned towards me and when our eyes met a cold shiver went down my neck.

My first thought was that he could have clearly used a shave. My second thought was that he looked incredibly handsome.

"Yeah, I sometimes have this effect on women" he replied while scratching the back of his head.

Venus made us breakfast and shortly after she threw us out. She said that she had an important meeting with a client.

After Hudson packed our stuff in the trunk we sat in the car and started driving in silence again.

"I truly never meant to hurt you" he commented after a while.

I nodded and just stared outside the window. The landscape outside was beautiful and I tried to focus on that.

He apologized for several times but I was still mad. Hudson broke his promise and he couldn't just expect me to easily trust him again.

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