Chapter 24

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As it turns out Kiran lives in a giant mansion which looks more like a castle than a mansion.

High walls with expensive paintings everywhere. The floor was lined with a royal blue carpet and the walls were held in a light creamy tone.

Kiran had a few pictures from my mother when she was young. I looked exactly like her. He also had told me about the actions my mother probably took to prevent him from find her.

A broken nose, brown contacts and regular hair dying.

We sat in a giant room at a table with space for more than a dozen people. Kiran sat at the edge and I sat to his right. The cook had brought us our food and left us alone again.

I didn't ask but I knew he had no intentions in hurting me. He just wanted to get to know me and talk.

He didn't mention my father yet or what my mother did in the past and I wasn't going to mention it because the mood was to good to risk killing it.

"So you and Hudson, huh? Your boyfriend?" He asked before he shoved a spoon of pumpkin cream soup in his mouth.

Boyfriend? Hudson? No!

"He...ah- he's not my boyfriend. Only my bodyguard" I replied. My cheeks were burning again.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled knowingly at me.

"Bodyguard" They way he said it showed that he didn't believe me.

Why do people always assume we're a couple?

Okay, if he can ask about Hudson I can ask about my father. Shouldn't be that hard, right?

"Did you ever meet my father?" I asked fraught forward. I hate it when people beat around the bush.

Kieran's shoulders tensed barely noticeable.

"Do you know why your mother named you Pandora?" He changed the subject.

She told me that it was because of her friends Phoebe, Anne, Nicole, Dorothe, Ophelia, Ricarda and Alisha. If you take the first letter of each Name you get my name.

"She said something about her friends but you wouldn't ask if there wasn't another reason" I explained to him.

He laughed at my answer and poured some water in my glass.

"You're smart. Just like your father" Kiran smiled at me.

"Pandora was the name of my fiancée..." his voice went low at the word fiancée. He was clearly uncomfortable talking about this.

He leaned back and closed his eyes. After taking a deep breath in he viewed me with sad eyes.

"This is not easy and I know that it's impolite to mention something and not explain it... but your mother- What happened in the past is not just a little mistake" he swallowed audibly.

I put my spoon down and looked directly at him. "You can tell me."

Kiran sighed as he ran through his black curls.

"Your fathers name was Neil and he was Pandora's brother" he stated dryly.

"Long story Short, your mother killed her by accident and has been running away since then" his face took this tense and yet completely blank expression.

My eyes widened but I didn't make any other move. I forgot to breathe and blink.

So when my lungs started to burn I took a loud horrified breath in. My eyes filled with tears; not because of sadness but because of shock.

My mother a murderer? No? No. No!

"Tha- that can't be true" I had to clear my throat because my voice was cracking.

Completely concentrated I scraped the rest of my red nail polish off to prevent myself from crying. I had to distract myself somehow.

"I knew you would react like that. I knew I shouldn't have told you."

"No! No, I just want you to tell me everything. You can't just say that my mother is a murderer- your sister- and then expect me to be okay with only that statement" I bursted.

Now it's too late! The tears came streaming down my face.

God, I hate it! Why am I always crying like a little girl?

Kiran got up jerkily. The chair creaked as he pushed it back.

"Frank is here for you if you have any questions" he pointed at a man who suddenly stood next to the door where the cook walked through earlier and left.

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