Chapter 22

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I had been laying in bed for hours but I just couldn't fall asleep. And just when my thoughts finally started to calm down I headed the door open.

Hudson. Why isn't he sleeping?

Annoyed I turned around and sat up. But the man sitting in the rocking chair and grinning widely was definitely not Hudson.

For a second I thought it was Fiona's boyfriend but he couldn't have gotten up here himself. He was practically sleeping on his whiskey bottle.

The man in front of me had dark eyes and hair. He was of a narrow statue and nose with almond eyes. On his wrist sparkled a watch and he wore a grey suit.

My eyes widened as I noticed he was spinning a small jackknife in his fingers.

"Good evening, beautiful" he said in a cheerily tone and a british accent.

I mechanically pulled the blanket up to cover myself. "Who are you?"

The smugly grin disappeared and he rolled his eyes annoyed at me.

"Is that really important? I absolutely hate these questions!" He sighed.

"Who are you? What do you want? Are you going to kill me?" His voice had a high pitched tone and he stroke a dramatic pose.

I nodded lightly and crawled backwards until my back hit the cold wall.

He got up and sat on the bed right in front of me. Shivers went down my spine but I couldn't move. There was no possibility to move farer away from him.

"They call me Blue and I was originally here to kill your lover, Hudson. Since the tosser cocked-up everything my first priority is to finish him. But earlier today I got another offer and now I want you" he explained annoyed.

Tosser? Cock-up? I have no idea what these words mean.

"Blimey! Don't look at me like I'm some nutter. We gotta go, love" he opened the door and gestured me to follow him.

I should have ran and locked the door as he walked out but I was so damn curious.

Venus and Hudson talked about him the other day and she didn't seem very happy about it.

As we went downstairs we met Fiona. She was still awake and carrying her boyfriend, together with some other man, upstairs.

"Ah, Fiona! Would you get me a whiskey, love? On the rocks?" Blue gave her an evil smile.

She glared at us "you know where the bar is, asshole!"

So they know each other.

"That's a wonky way to talk to your fiancé" he replied viciously.

Fiancé? But what about Venus? And who the hell is this guy they're currently carrying up?

Fionas cheeks turned red and snorted angrily before she and the man across her continued heading upstairs.

Blue waved me towards him as he hurried to the kitchen.

"Fiancé?" I asked while he treated himself at Fiona's alcohol stock.

He leaned back on the chair and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Why do you sound so dodgy? Is that so unbelievable?"

I nodded and took myself a glass.

"Why are you two engaged?" I hated the taste of whiskey but I currently really needed that.

I closed my eyes as the familiar burn in my throat started.

Blue chuckled and leaned over "why do you think do people get engaged?"

"Power, influence, money" I started listing the options.

He drank the entire glass at once "What about love? You forgot the very obvious!"

"I didn't forget. I just know it's not the case with the two of you" I replied and pulled the white nightgown over my knees.

Blue nodded and went with his hand through his hair.

"How would you know?"

"I met Venus" I decided not to tell him about Fiona and her "special friend".

Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't. But I didn't want to be the reason she might get in trouble.

Blues face tensed revealing many laugh lines. The amusement from his eyes vanished and got replaced with- basically nothing. No emotion at all.

He stood up and closed the gap between us.

I hated it. I hated him being close to me.

"Venus, Venus is a matchless case" he looked down but I saw the smile on his face anyway.

I had no time to react when he suddenly pressed a white piece of cloth on my face. He was too quick and I was too slow.

The shock overcame me and I took a deep breath in. My sight immediately started to dwindle.

That's what I imagined breathing powdered sugar breathing in.

I started to push him away but I was too weak and then everything went black.

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