Chapter 54: Tale of the Past {Part - 1}

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I looked at Omar and waited for him to start talking.

"To start with," Omar ran his fingers in his hair as if he is confused about where to start off. "When we were little, well at least when you were 2 and I was 4 years old, my parents were not that rich. They were poor and struggling a lot, especially because they have to pay a lot for Emily's medicines. Your dad was my dad's friend since childhood. So, when my parents were struggling, your parents provided us with enough money to start a business. My dad began to do his business and as time went by, they became rich. The business was going well. However, your uncle, Radi, was against it. Radi in age is much younger than both if our parents, however, Radi got jealous that my family is doing well, that too because your dad spends money on our business, not on him. Actually, your dad found out that he is related to drug dealers so instead of helping him, like how he expected, your dad reported him to police," he explained.

I gasped in shock. "What?"

He nodded. "But the thing didn't stop there. He went to prison for if for a few years. From that time, he began to hate your parents more. After he came out of jail, he got married and his wife isn't the nicest person. In fact, his wife is just like him. A criminal," Omar said.

I didn't even know any of the things he said. I didn't even know that uncle was married. I waited for him to continue.

"When you turned 6 years old, Radi and his wife were not financially stable. They owned a couple of banks loans, so they began to ask your parents to name the company in their name and to name all the property in his name. But of course, your parents refused. So they began to threatening your parents that Radi and his wife would hurt you. Your parents were scared and that's the reason they kept bringing you to our house so that at least you would be safe. My mom is a lawyer and you were much safer in our house than yours. And that's how we became friends," he explained.

I nodded.

"However, in your parents anniversary, my parents gifted your parents a car. It was a brand new car. Your parents were happy, but Radi's wife secretly damaged the break of the car. We had no idea about it. So, the next day of their anniversary they were supposed to come to our house with you and when they were driving, they noticed that the break wasn't working and that's when you guys got into a car accident."

My eyes widened in shock. "Do, it was that time when we fell off the mountainside and have an accident-"

Omar nodded. "Actually Radi's wife thought that the car will have a small accident. She just wanted to scare your parents but because you guys took the road along the mountain are and it was a highway, the accident was bigger and unfortunately, the car fell down the hill and your parents . . ."

He didn't need to continue more. Tears rolled down my eyes as memories about the accident ran across my head. I remembered how my hands were covered in blood in front of the lifeless bodies in that accident.

Omar seemed tensed as he continued. "After the accident, when Radi and his wife found out about it, they were shocked that you were alive. They wanted to kill you as well."

My eyes widened in shock. "Me?"

"Yes, because you were the only witness there," he explained. "Radi and his wife were scared that if you tell the police that a new car's break wasn't working then they would get suspicious. So, that's why they wanted to kill you as well. They didn't even let our family to visit you in the hospital."

I nodded, trying to understand everything.

"However, my grandma got suspicious and went to visit you in the hospital in secret. You were still unconscious at that time but that day, Radi and his wife were in the hospital too and they were talking about what and how the accident happened. She heard everything and came home and told my our parents. My parents were furious. My mom wanted to report everything to the police but she didn't have evidence. It took her a while to get the proof and then she filed a case on Radi's wife and even dragged her to the court and send her to jail for attempting to murder," Omar said as he adjusted his sitting position a little. "Radi wanted to kill you right that moment, however, he found out that because of the previous threats, your parents made confidential documents about his property that he signed his entire property on grandma Momoh's name and he named the company on your name. However, you get the company's property when you turn 19 so until then whoever is taking care of you is in charge of the company."

I nodded. "So, that's why uncle kept me in his house so that by law he gets control over the property."

Omar nodded. "Yes. I didn't know anything about this, however, even I got suspicious about the accident. I had a mental breakdown when you got into the accident, so my parents send me to grandma's house so I can get better. I knew that grandma was somehow involved in this so one night, I asked grandma about it."

"She told you everything?" I asked.

He nodded. "She did and right after that I went shopping and when I came back . . ." He paused. "The house where grandma lived was on fire."

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