Chapter 51: The Pervert's Wish

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I was shocked.

How did the person who messaged me knew that I was eating lunch?

I looked around to see if somebody was following me. As I looked around and noticed a lot of people were sitting on the cafe and were phone. It was impossible to find the guy who was stalking me from all these people.

I looked down to my phone and began to text back.

I looked down to my phone and began to text back

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I was angry as I read the messages

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I was angry as I read the messages. The guy who I didn't even know off was texting me and asking me about Omar?!

How dare he?

I texted back, angrily.

I texted back, angrily

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I was shocked as I read the message

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I was shocked as I read the message. What the unknown guy was telling me can't be the truth.

Omar was not a murder.

He couldn't be!

The unknown guy was just playing with my emotions. That was it. Nothing else. He was lying.

I began to text back at him.

I began to text back at him

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My heart squeezed.

I didn't wanted to believe anything that the unknown person said but what he said was right.

I was living with Omar for more than 5 months. Even after that, I knew nothing of Omar.

I didn't even know if Omar loved me or not?

I didn't even know why Omar married me?

Our marriage was a business deal but only my uncle benefited from it. Nobody else. What did Omar got out of it that he married me?

And my parents?

My own mom and dad . . . I knew they passed away because of an accident, but what did Omar knew about it?

I didn't understand anything.

Even that day Omar mentioned about his grandma and how she was murdered and he believed that it happened all because of me.

Omar didn't mentioned anything about it after that night.

It was like he knew everything about me when I knew nothing about him.

My heart felt like it was breaking into pieces as I realized that I loved a guy who I knew nothing off.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize when Omar tapped my back.

"Yumna?" he asked me confusingly.

I noticed Emily looking at me and then at Omar. She smiled and nodded at Omar and then got off the chair and left as if to give some privacy to both of us.

I looked at Omar and noticed him looking at me, worriedly.

"What's wrong?" He asked as be leaned closer to me. "You looked like he are going to cry any moment."

I didn't know what to say. But, I blurted out what came to my mind first. "Omar, why did you marry me?" I asked.

Omar froze as he looked at me. He looked a little tense. He was going to say something when suddenly, the bell rang.

The lunch time was over and everybody was going to their class. I sat there blankly as Omar got off the seat and then leaned closer to me.

"I don't know what's going on your head but I will tell you soon," he said.

"When is that?" I asked him.

Omar twitched his lips a little as if he was thinking about something and then chuckled. He leaned closer to my ear a little and whispered, "If you can grant me a kiss, I will tell your everything."

At first I didn't realized what he said but as soon as I realized, I gasped in shock.

What the heck?!

My mouth dropped open in shock as he laughed and began to made him way towards the exist of the cafeteria. "Later, Yumna," he laughed as made his way out of the cafeteria, leaving me in shock and confusion.

My cheeks were red and my heart was beating fast. My stomach was cradling.

Stupid! Jerk! Idiot Omar!

It was a mistake to fall in love with this pervert!

Assalamualikum and hello!

How are you?

Finally did a double update. I have been so busy with work so couldn't post these chapters earlier. I am sorry. I wrote these chapters in rush so sorry for any errors.

Take care, guys and have a nice day!


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