Chapter 38: Getting Ready

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"Can you stop protesting so I can select your earnings?" Emily sighed as she took out a pair of nice earrings.

I sighed. "You really think that I am going to show off my earnings?"

"That's not the point," she frowned as she put on the new pair of long earrings on my ear.

I rolled my eyes and let Emily did whatever she wanted to do. After she put on a pair of earrings and curled my hair ends and smiled.

"Done!" She exclaimed. "Now, just change into the outfit I put for you in the closet."

I nodded. "Okay, Ms. Bossy Girl."

She laughed. "Come on, Yumna! I am just trying to make this date special for Omar and you."

I sighed. "Date, huh?" I said as I went to the closet to pull out my outfit. "I dought Omar is interested."

"Yeah, right," she sighed as I took the outfit. "If he wasn't interested in the date then he wouldn't have bothered to ask you out."

I didn't reply to her.

I was confused.

Omar did texted me saying that it was a date, however, last night Omar came home late. Not only that, he even left for office, even in Saturday early morning, to do some work.

I didn't even saw him.

Omar did texted me to meet him in front of the wonderland at 10:00 am and that was it. He didn't texted me anything after that.

It made me wonder why did he even setup a date if he wasn't interested.

Emily sighed and said, "Listen Yumna, get ready and then dad will drop you to wonderland. I will see you later. I have to go to library to do some group work."

I nodded and waved at her. "Bye, Emily."

She waved back. "Enjoy your date," she said and left the room.

I took the outfit and stripped my clothes and changed into the outfit that Emily chose for me.

The outfit was a simple grey top with black tights. I wrapped my pink scarf around my neck since it was a bit chilly outside. I took out a new pair of booths and side my legs through it. It was long booths that reached above my knees.

I looked myself at the mirror. I had to say, Emily had nice choice in choosing outfits.

I grabbed my handbag and then got out of the room. As I walked down the stairs, I heard dad and mom talking about something.

Dad and mom were sitting in the living room and drinking coffee and chatting.

"Hon, I think you are worrying too much," dad smiled at mom.

Mom took a sip of her coffee. "I don't know, Bilal. You know, when I proved her guilty in the court and she was sent to the prison. I only went to visit her once after that she told me that she will be back in our lives again. And I . . ."

Dad got off from his sofa and went to seat beside mom. He sat beside mom and wrapped his arms around her.

Mom looked at dad and sighed. "I just don't want our children to suffer because of me."

Dad smiled at her and rubbed her hands. "Our children are not little kids anymore. They know how to protect themselves and none of us blame you for anything. We are all proud of you."

Mom hesitated. "But, they don't even know-"

"They don't need to," dad smiled at her. "It is past. We cannot hold our past to affect our present, Aliza. What you did was right."

She sighed and nodded. She leaned her head on dad's shoulder. "Bilal, I just want our kids to be okay."

"I know, love," dad smiled. "And Yumna is now our kids as well. We want Yumna to be as happy and safe as Omar and Emily."

I was listening to their conversation from behind them. I knew it wasn't right to listen to somebody's private conversation but what I heard made me felt so much loved.

That wasn't the only thing. It probably has been more than 20 years since dad and mom got married but their love for each other is still visible and present in their life.

But, I wonder why dad and mom were being so worried about Omar, Emily and my safety.

Did something happened that mom didn't told us about?

Mom was going to say something but then when she looked back, she saw me. Shock filled her eyes as she pulled away from dad.

Dad turned his head to my direction and saw me. He too looked tensed. It was as if they were scared if I heard something that I shouldn't be hearing.

"Y-yumna," mom said, trying to act normal. "Come here, honey."

I smiled at mom and went to the sofa and sat across from mom and dad.

"Sweetie, how long were you waiting there?" Dad asked, softly.

"Just a few minutes," I replied.

Dad and mom sighed in relief. It was making me confused. I didn't understand what it was but I could sense a bit of worriedness in their attitude.

I wanted to ask something but dad seamed to understand and intercepted me before I could say something.

"Wow, Yumna!" Dad smiled. "You look so beautiful today, dear."

I Smiled back. "Thanks, dad."

Mom got off from her seat and took the seat beside me. She put her arms on my back and rubbed my back. "Omar would be surprise," she smiled.

"Not only surprised but he might have a heart attack," dad laughed.

Mom laughed with her while I sat there, feeling a bit awkward.

"Yumna, you should learn some CPR next time before you go on a date with Omar. Who know how much shock will he get?" Dad laughed.

I felt a bit embarrassed so I stayed quiet.

Dad got off the sofa. "Come on, sweetie. I will drop you off," he said.

I nodded.

Dad left the living room and went towards the parking lot. I got off the sofa and hugged mom.

"Assalamualikum, mom," I said to her.

"Walikum Assalam, Yumna," she said as she kissed my forehead. "Take care."

I nodded. I walked out of the living room and went to the parking lot and saw dad was sitting in his car. I went to the car and got on the car and we drove to wonderland.

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