Chapter 21: A Bit of Worry

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" . . . Na . . ." I heard somebody calling my name.

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Yumna?" I heard the voice again and as I looked, I noticed my head was resting on Mrs. Chatti's lap as she was calling my name.

She looked worried. Emily was beside me, rubbing my hand.

"Mrs. Chatti," I whispered.

"You okay, sweetie?" She asked as she helped me to sit upright.

I nodded as I remembered what happened a while ago. I remembered everything from the flashback, but I didn't remember every of my childhood memories. I only remembered that part.

"Yumna," Emily said as she held my hand. "You okay?"

I nodded. I didn't know what to tell her.

"What happened?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say. I was so confused. It seamed so unreal to believe what I saw in the flashback was true or not.

I looked at Mrs. Chatti and then to Emily. Both looked worried.

"How long was I unconscious for?" I asked.

"Around 5 minutes," Emily answered.

Mrs. Chatti patted my head. "You scared us."

I smiled. "Oh well, it wasn't something too serious. I need to pray though."

Mrs. Chatti nodded. "Yeah," she said as she looked at Emily and nodded to her.

Emily helped me to stand up. "Come Yumna, you can pray in the prayer room."

I nodded.

I got off the floor and made my way towards the prayer room with Emily. She was still holding my arms as if she was scared that I might fall.

As I went in the prayer room, she said, "Yumna, I already prayed so, I will be waiting for you downstairs?"

I smiled to her as she let go of my arms. She walked out of the prayer room. I went to the washroom there and made an ablution.

Then I got out of the washroom and went to the prayer room and placed a prayer mat there.

I stood in the prayer mat and put a scarf around my head. "Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest)," I said as I began my prayer.

After finishing my prayer, I raised my arms to make dua.

Memories of what I saw in the flashback flooded my brain.

"Allah ( S.W.T.), You are the most powerful, the most merciful and the all knowing. Allah, You know the past, the present and the future. You are the greatest, Allah ( S.W.T.). Please Allah, please help me. I want to remember everything of my past," I prayed. "A while ago, I had a flashback. It is hard to believe what I saw in the flashback. And moreover, I am getting married to somebody who I knew from my past but I don't understand why. My mind is filled with so many questions. Out of all people, why does Omar want to marry me? Why is Omar's family suddenly showed up? I don't understand. And if they are really close to our family then why didn't the Chatti family showed up before. Why all a sudden, now? And that guy . . . Omar, I don't like him but still I feel a connection with him. I don't understand. My mind is filled with confusion. Please Allah, please help me to find all the answers to my questions."

I said that and ended the dua.

I put the prayer mat aside and made my way towards the stairs. I climbed down the stairs and saw Emily playing with the cookies as Mrs. Chatti was scolding her.

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