Chapter 44: Talk with Leo

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Omar's POV

School without Yumna was boring. I just didn't had anybody to tease and get entertained.

Today was Monday and Yumna was still sick and resting at home. We only had our maid and butler to take care of her. Our house had maids and butlers but we hired them only for a few hours when we needed them so it wasn't like they were in our house everyday. But today was different. Mom had a few cases to handle and dad had a few office works to handle. Emily and I had tests in class so we had to come home. But, luckily, I had spare after lunch so I could go home and check on Yumna.

I heard the lunch break bell and got out of my Calculus and Vectors classroom.

I walked towards my locker and opened my locker. Just then, I saw Leo, a guy from my English class, making his way towards me.

"Hey Omar!" He said.

I looked at him. "What do you want, Leo?"

Leo came near me and sighed. "Cold as ever, Chatti."

I didn't say anything. I put my books in the locker.

"Sorry buddy. I just wanted to hangout with you," he said as I looked at him, confusingly. He continued, "You know, you are really popular and also you are always around Emily and Yumna-"

I frowned at I looked at him this time.

Why was he talking about Emily and Yumna?

"Just get to the point, Leo," I said.

Leo nodded as he crossed his arms on his chest. "I will just ask you one thing, Omar. What were you doing with Yumna in the wonderland?"


I raised my eye brow. "How do you know I went out with her?"

"Because I saw her there with you, Omar?!" Leo said, angrily. "I went to the wonderland with my brother this saturday and saw you there with Yumna."


What was this dude getting angry for?

"What's your problem, Leo?" I asked.

"My problem is that I don't want you near her," he greeted his teeth.

Okay. This definitely made me angry.

Leo was asking me to stay away from my own wife?!

How dare he?!

"In friday when I asked Yumna out on a date to wonderland-" he didn't even get to finish his sentence when I grabbed his shirt collar to make him look at me.

I was angry.

Leo asked my wife out?! MY YUMNA?!

"How dare you, Leo? Who gave you permission to ask Yumna out in a date?!" I yelling in a low voice, trying not to catch too many attention.

Leo looked angry and pushed me away. "Unlike you, I am friends with Yumna for a long time and atleast I am not a jerk like you who goes around and fight with her!" He yelled.

"Whatever is happening between Yumna and me is none of your business!" I yelled.

Leo looked angrily at me but as we looked around, we noticed how people were surrounded my us.

Some people began to gossip while others looked at us as if there was a show going on.

I clenched my fist in anger. "Fuck off, guys! Take a picture. It will last longer!" I yelled.

All the students looked scared and went to do whatever they were doing before.

I stood there frustrated when Leo walked towards me and just as he stood beside me, he looked at me.

"Stay away from Yumna," he greeted his teeth.

I looked at him, angrily. "Why don't you keep the suggestion to yourself?"

"I have my eyes on her since she stepped into this school-"

"And, I have my eyes on her for years," I said as I looked at him, angrily. "If you were just asking to get close to her as her friend then I wouldn't have said anything but you want more from her which won't happen."

Leo looked at me, confusingly.

I locked the locker door and began to walk away when Leo held my arm. I looked at him.

Leo looked at me and said, "Why do you care, huh? What is she to you?"

I pushed his hand away from my arm and looked at him. "She means the world to me. She is the most important woman to me after my mother so I won't let you snatch her away from me, even if you want to. She is mine and she would be mine forever," I said.

I didn't give Leo a chance to say something. I began to walk away towards the exit of the hallway.

I got out of the school and made my way towards the parking lot. My blood was boiling with anger after talking to Leo.

I knew Leo for a long time in highschool. He wasn't a good boy. He was known as the playboy of our school and as dense as Yumna was, he could easily take advantage of Yumna.

I sighed and tried to control my anger. I just had to keep an eye of Leo from now on.

I went near my car and got on the car and began to drive towards home. As much as I wanted to go back to school and have another talk with Leo, I wanted to drive home now and check on my wife.

A smile formed on my lips as I remembered about Yumna. I remembered how yesterday Yumna yesterday cuddled onto me when she was sick.

She looked so adorable doing that.

I remembered how she pledged me to stay with her.

I sighed.

I pulled my seat belt and tugged it in. I started the car and smiled.

Just a bit longer and then I would finally get to see Yumna . . . My Yumna . . .

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