17: in her mind

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Finally a chapter in someones POV tell me how you feel about it.

sry this is short

A shoutout to dinja14 and their book Adopted by cannibals go check them out!



Anikas POV


Dear Diary.

It has been three months now, Carter is growing strong and my sweet baby is growing as well. I feel him, or her. Growing inside me. They are beginning to kick me now, feeling the child growing inside me has began to make me more careful. I have stopped fighting, this is my home now. This is our forever, and at one point I would be sad, I would feel that I had lost. But I am winning.


I wrote the entry quietly, I knew that he was reading the entries, I had honestly stopped fighting; physically. However I was manipulating them all, easily. As the days continued my stomach showed my pregnancy more, the bump made me so happy, but the man who gave me the child scared me. He was so kind, and yet I was terrified of him. What if he changed his mind about me, what if I had a little girl, he said they didn't kill them anymore but when I asked him about names he said we weren't going to have girls.

I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, knowing full well that I was going to have to take the situation in my own hands. He was insane, but he was helpful with the children. Loved to make me feel like I was weak while pregnant, fragile as a flower, at least that was what he thought. However large I was growing my mind was developing escape plans. Ways to free myself, my unborn child, and Carter.

I was going to outlive them all, no matter what they wanted. I was triumphant, and I would always be that. I was smarter then they thought. However Jace was soon at my side, assisting me, balancing Carter in his hands.I wasn't very large yet, but i was treated like a queen because I was going to bring another into their family.

I felt almost guilty for allowing this to happen; but I was afraid, and still am.

As I sat and ate I avoided the human, dropping them to the dog. Jace was to busy feeding Carter to notice. I was conflicted when it came to Jace, he was kind and caring; but on the other end of the spectrum he was a sadistic serial killer and cannibal.

My conflicting thoughts were often sources of headaches which i played off as part of pregnancy. He and the others were convinced, or so I was hoping.

I was loosing hope of seeing the city again, other people. I was slowly falling into madness.

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