13: Passing Time

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This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful masonfitzzy for creating the books I took inspiration from


Dear Diary

 It has been nearly two months since I have arrived. I still wake up in fear remembering what happened that night, the night my parents died. I keep hearing my mother say I was worthless, and seeing Jace disappear for a moment. I still don't love him, but it is safer to pretend. I have to help clean and cook, I am not allowed to be alone anymore. Either Jace or his mother have to be around me, he is worried that someone will hurt me. I hate being here, I want to live a normal life, I continue to eat the meat knowing if I do not I will be harmed. They love the idea of me becoming like them, Jace allows me to be alone but only if he locks me in our room. No, his room. I am a prisoner, a kidnapped slave meant to be his toy. I am still not pregnant, and I can tell his parents are frustrated. However Jace has resorted to sex three to four times a day. Each time I do not get away until he has finished.

I fear I may only have a little while longer to have a child.


"Anika!" Jace called jumping her from her trance, she quickly closed the diary, the only thing that she was allowed to keep private. She put the diary and dull pencil away in her backpack and obediently came to his side. Trying to pretend to be a good girl was taxing, she was tired all the time.

"I need you to watch my siblings, my family and I are going out today, we need you to stay and be good, everyone else is going down to the lake. However as you know Sydney is sick and Amin wants to stay with her. Jack will come with us. I want to bring you but...my father said you had to stay here."

She nodded, finally a little bit of time alone. "How long will you be gone?" She asked.

"A few hours at the least." He said kissing her forehead lovingly. "Sydney is asleep and Amin is sitting with her on the bed. You will be fine, if anyone comes here you know what to do."

"I can't kill them." She whimpered.

He chuckled and caressed her cheek. "Just offer them a warm bed, lock them in one of the guest rooms, it will be fine." She nodded still shaking worried he would hurt her if she allowed someone to go, could she allow someone to leave? He kissed her deeply. "I love you."

She hesitated. "I love you too Jace." He smiled and she watched them leave with bags of fishing gear and swimming supplies. Before she left Jace mother hugged Anika quickly.

"Be safe, have fun, don't leave." She warned. Anika nodded, she was right she could run. "Amin will be keeping an eye on you, but I know you won't leave. You are part of the family.

"Of course I will never leave." She said as the door shut. She watched everyone leave, she made soup for Amin and Sydney. "Eat up, you both want to be strong." She said and Amin smiled thanking her. Sydney ate it quickly and snugged into Amin and fell asleep. She waited till Amin fell asleep and made her way to the door, she made sure no one was around and headed straight for the forest.

They wouldn't find her, they said they would be gone for a few hours, she could get away. That was when she saw her, shining brown hair, green eyes, tear stained cheeks. "Please help me." She cried as Anika made her way towards her. Anika hesitated, she should just leave her, that was when she saw her stomach. She was pregnant. Anika ran towards her and helped her into the house. "Thank..thank you."

Anika got her some water and some quick food. "Are you alright, why are you out here?"

"I was on my way to see my mother before I had this little one," she said rubbing her stomach. "My little boy, but the car broke down, I saw cars leaving from this area and I made my way as quickly as I could."

"How far along are you?" Anika asked.

"Nine months, I honestly am surprised he is still in ther---oh no." She suddenly became wet. "I think my water just broke." Anika panicked.

A few hours had gone by from that point. Anika could hardly think as she helped the women she didn't know give birth to the baby she pitied. Would the baby be killed too? Amin made his way down a few minutes later and let out a shout. "Anika who is that?"

"Mary, and this is her baby Carter." She said. "I just helped her give birth."

"Anika...Mary isn't breathing." He said as he creeped closer, poking the new mother in the face. Her eyes grew wide. "She is dead."

"Oh..no no no.." She said shaking her, she held the baby close to her. "No..."

"She's dead." He said again. "And now you have a baby."

"No..no no...." She cried holding the baby, Jace would kill her; or would he.

"Anika what is wrong. Mommy and Daddy will be happy, first you have a baby and then you let a women die." Amin said handing her a blanket for the baby. "Plus, if you wouldn't have gotten a baby anytime soon Daddy said you would go bye bye." Anika's eyes grew wide.

"Amin, go upstairs and back to bed now please." She said as she stood to grab a basket and bundled it with blankets and set Carter down in bed. She couldn't let this baby die, and she couldn't let this baby grow up in the hell she lived in. She thought about leaving, running, but as soon as she made her way towards the door she saw the lights of the truck. Her chance was gone, she was stuck here again until they leave her alone again.

Jace stepped inside first and his face went white, then a wide smile covered her face. "Anika darling what happened?"

"This women came to the door, I went to take her to the guest room when her water broke..I tried to keep her alive, but she died after having the baby." She grabbed Carter out of the makeshift bed. "This is Carter...he..I want to keep him."

Jace smiled. "Our baby." He said kissing her and then Carter as his parents came in.

"What just happened." His mother asked. Jace explained as Anika took Carter upstairs, Jace brought some milk for the baby and then returned again with a crib that was painted black.

"He deservers the best." He said. "Are you pregnant yet?"

"I dont..dont know...Jace I am sorry." Jace pulled her into his lap.

"Dont worry love," he said as he rocked the two back and forth. "Dont worry, you did really well today, and you will continue to as you raise our children." He nuzzled her neck. She was terrified, soon Carter fell asleep and she placed him in the crib. She raced to the bathroom with a sudden feeling of sick. He walked in and held her hair back for her. "Anika are you alright?"

Everything around her was crumbling, was she pregnant.

"I think I am fine." she said back. "If Carter cries all night are your parents going to get upset?"

"No, oh and now that we have Carter and I am thinking you should get pregnant soon we can move into the empty house."

"We can get our own home?" She asked, if they were alone and he went out to hunt she could run, get out as quickly as she could.

"Of course, now that we have Carter, and I am hoping a few more." He carried her back to their bed. She shuttered, but faked her smile. She ensured Carter was snuggled up warm and laid with him. "I cannot wait for us to have more children." She slept soundly, Carter only got up twice to get changed and fed, however Jace took care of it. He watched her as he did so, rocking the baby. Their dog, that had began to take a liking to Anika, Rusty; slept by her feet. He was going to do anything he could to ensure he was as deep in love with him as he was with her.

He set Carter back in the bed. "Good night, thank you for coming when you did." He said to the sleeping baby, Carter was theirs now. He thanked the gods for brining something to keep her tethered to the house, he had read her entries, knowing that she was faking it all. However he loved her to much to get rid of her, and he couldn't after all. He felt they were meant to be, they had to be together.

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