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Asher stepped forward, various cuts filled his previously smooth skin and black and red blood coated his former pale white hair.

"I will help you," he announced, a hopeful but pained look in his eyes.

I nodded my head and took his hand in mine when he reached my side.

"We need to call Michael, he is the most powerful Archangel and their leader. He needs to hear our call above all others" he explained.

We both let out a long breath and prepared to call on the Archangels.

"Archangels we call on you to assist us, we have your fallen, Lucifer," he called, beckoning me to join him.

"Archangels, we call on you to assist us" we repeated.

Shade stepped forward and grabbed my other hand.

"Archangels! hear our prayer!" we shouted together.

Lucifer laughed mockingly as the air remained still.

"They will never come" he mocked adamantly.

Ignoring him, we repeated out words, each sentence becoming stronger as more people linked with us.









The Elysium guard ...

They all joined us in our call for the archangels.

"Archangels, we call on you"

"Archangel Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel, Hear our prayer!"

A loud grumbling rumble sounded above us before a large circle of lightning struck the ground around our protection circle, we tightened our hold on each other's hands and stopped our chanting to await our fates. Amongst the chaos, a small hummingbird landed on my shoulder and tweeted a sweet song, Its ruby coloured feathers glistening with each strike of lightning.

I looked around to see more hummingbirds, landing on others shoulders before taking back off to fly in perfect synchronisation, a soft light emitting from the centre of their gathering, making their mixture of blue, green, red and purple feathers shimmer beautifully before us.

Another mass of lightning distracted me from their display, drawing my eyes to the clouds. A loud boom echoed thunderously above us, emitting its sound waves to travel across the lands before us, followed by a blast of blinding magnificent light as a tornado-like mass of blazing blue lightning struck down directly in front of me, making me shield my eyes from its intense glare.

I moved my hands from my eyes and looked before me to see the figure of a man, his extremely tall frame, and his extended humungous powerful wings completely blocked my view of Lucifer leaving me free to take in his powerful appearance. His hair was relatively long, hanging down past his square jaw and was dusty blond in colour, his skin appeared pale and bright against the surrounding perilous lightning, but his calm deep brown eyes glowed with comforting reassurance.

"Why have you called upon me?" he questioned in an extremely authoritative but calm tone.

Regaining my focus I stepped forward and brought my eyes up to meet his.

"I believe that we have something of yours" I replied, gesturing behind him.

He relaxed his wings to ensure that they didn't hit any of us and turned around to rest his eyes upon Lucifer, whose face had now paled to a ghostly white as he took in the Archangels impressively tall form.

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