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I felt my consciousness begin to surface as I looked around the pitch black void that surrounded me on all sides, I could hear muffled voices in the distance but I couldn't work out what they were saying. Intrigued, I willed myself to move towards the source of the noise but immediately felt a dull throbbing reach my head. I continued to walk towards the voices and strained my ears to pick up the words that were slowly becoming clearer but with every step that I took the pain grew, leading me to believe that I was waking up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit her that hard," came the familiar voice of Emrick.

"Well you did, and she has been passed out for hours!" Exclaimed an extremely angry sounding voice.

A heavy sigh echoed around the room, thinning the tense air.

"I have waited too long for her to finally arrive, so if she doesn't wake up, you will be the one to face the consequence," the voice continued in a calmer but deadlier tone.

"I said I'm sorry what else do you want?" Emrick snapped hurtfully.

"What I want, Son, is for you to shut the hell up and leave until she wakes," challenged the other voice causing an eerie silence to flood into the room until the voice continued. "I cannot deal with your level of incompetence right now."

"As you wish" replied Emrick timidly.

As soon as the sound of retreating footsteps, followed by the soft click of a door filled my ears, my eyes slowly cracked open to reveal a blurry grey image of a smooth looking stone ceiling. I blinked a few times to clear my vision before I carefully looked around the room, making sure not to move enough to give away my consciousness.

"Elizebeth!" called the voice, alerting me that the man was standing somewhere to my right.

I pondered over the name as a quick set of clicking footsteps enter the room. He couldn't mean Academy Elizebeth, could he? I thought in confusion, she was taken to the Elysium guard.

"You called?" followed her familiar bittersweet voice.

"Come over here for a second" he replied slyly.

After a moment of hesitation, the clicking footsteps drew nearer, I closed my eyes and tried my best to make my breathing seem relaxed.

"I-is that... Aurora?" Questioned Elizebeth in surprise.

"Yes, it is," he said smugly "Now, after I catch up with my daughter here, I still need the boy... Shade is it?... to completely break my link with the prison" he explained, grasping my attention. "So I'm going to need you to take Tenebris to find Shade and bring him to me"

The room fell silent before the clicking steps started again until they reached my side, I could hear her soft breathing as she thought of something to say.

"Forgive me for asking, but why do you need me to do this?" she asked timidly, "doesn't Emrick usually handle this kind of thing?" she added.

"Emrick, is slowly proving himself to be useless," he replied calmly "besides, I didn't allow you to be rescued from the guard so you could do nothing," he said, allowing his voice to grow sterner.

"If I do this can you keep your word and release my brother? I didn't want to betray them you know" she said, her voice cracking slightly.

"It seems that your loyalties may be changing" he replied in a dangerously low voice.

"That's not what I said!" shouted Elizebeth in sudden panic.

"Good" he replied in satisfaction "when you see that boy that you had foolishly fallen in love with, remember the look your brothers terrified little face, and remember that your cooperation is the only thing keeping him alive," he said cruelly.

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