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I walked through the doors of my dorm room to see a massive room with five double beds all covered in silver and black silk sheets. There was a fire on the right of the room opposite the middle bed, and there were desks with mirrors positioned on top of them for every person. I could also see a door at the far side of the room which I assumed led to the bathroom.

"New roomie!" Cried an excited voice, followed by pounding footsteps.

I looked to the left and was tackled to the ground in a hug. I rolled over and got to my feet into a fighting stance.

"Oh... sorry" she giggled standing up. "It's just I'm soooooo excited to be here! we're all gonna be the best of friends!" she shouted twirling around.

"Alexis, stop!" Bellowed another voice. "Sorry about her, she's like this all the time, I've learned to just roll with it," she said rubbing a hand down her face.

I looked at her blankly and relaxed, wondering how the hell can anyone be that ecstatic all of the time, but then I realised that I knew someone else who was exactly that... Chase.

"I'm Theadora but most people call me Thea, " said the girl who seemed to be looking after the hyper girl, she held hand and gave me a half smile.

"I'm Aurora," I said shaking it quickly.

"This is Alexis. She's part elf and part fairy and I'm a full witch," she said pointing to the bubbly girl beside her, she had light pink curly hair which brought out her bright green eyes and was wearing a white top, a pink skirt that was just above her knees and white boots.

"Nice to meet you," I said hesitantly holding out my hand.

She took my hand happily and shook it firmly.

"I can't wait to meet the others! This is going to be so much fun!" She said with wild eyes darting between me and Thea.

Still holding my hand she began dragging me towards the third bed along the row. I looked towards Thea who sighed and rolled her eyes tucking her dark red hair behind her ear.

"This is your bed," she said pointing to it.

I threw my rucksack on the bed and looked at the little chest of draws that was positioned next to it. There was nothing on its surface except my timetable which was folded neatly. I opened it carefully and a note fell out, looking up I saw Alexis, who was now jumping from bed to bed along the long row, ducking so she didn't hit her head on the curtain beams and laughing happily to herself. I sighed and returned my attention to the note.

'All dragon riders and dragon rider hybrids go the main hall tomorrow at 6 am. Don't be late. '

I sat down on the bed and read over the note again.

"Hey chase, did you having a note saying you have to be in the hall tomorrow at 6?" I asked through the link as I sat down on the bed.

"Yeah," he said "bloody 6 am" he shouted making my brain buzz.

"Meet me in the common room at half 5?" I asked.

"Sure, Orpheus will be there too, he's a vampire-dragon rider hybrid," he said pouring tired emotions through the link.

I inwardly sighed and grabbed my timetable,
7 am to 9 am - Combat,
9 am to 10 am - History,
10 am to 11 am - Break and option for breakfast,
11 am to 12 am - Magic and spells,
12 am to 2 pm - Dragons and riding,
2 pm to 4 pm - Lunch,
4 pm to 6 pm - Combat and conditioning,
6 pm to 10 pm - Final dinner and free time,
11 pm - night curfew, all students to be in common rooms.

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