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I looked out at the people before me and watched as Elizebeth was taken to the edge of the crowd away from Chase, who seemed to have frozen in what seemed to be anger upon seeing her. Before I had the chance to intervene and explain her presence to him Shade took my hand in his causing me to look up at him and see a worried but concentrated look on his face, as if he was lost deep in thought.

"Princess... I-" he began.

"Aurora?" A voice questioned form my right, drawing my attention away from Shade.

Noticing that it was Brandon who had called, I gave him a small smile as he walked hesitantly up to me.

"I...I don't know if it'll be much use, but I have this channelling pendant if you want to link yours and Shade's power together... you know... since you two are the ones prophesied to defeat Lucifer" He explained as he held out a small silver chain out towards me.

"Thank you Brandon" I replied, taking the pendant gratefully.

I stared at its patterned surface and listened as Orpheus' words echoed through my brain once again 'you're stronger together'.

A distant rumbling reached my ears, warning me that Lucifer wouldn't be trapped for much longer, I looked up at Shade before looking back out at the crowd. We had to work together... but not just me and Shade, we all had to work together.

"Everyone listen up," I shouted suddenly, making Chase jump slightly and break out of his intense stare.

"Lucifer is too strong for me and Shade alone, we are going to need you all to help us... and I think that I now know a way that we can all truly work together" I began, gaining the crowd's attention.

"This pendant, could potentially link all of our magic together and channel it through me so we can overpower Lucifer" I explained theoretically.

"Not to sound negative, but nobody has ever attempted to channel so much power, it's too much to take in for one person, it could kill you," Said a boy who I recognised as Alexander from our telekinesis class.

"He's right, it's a really big risk... and if you decide to do it, there's no turning back" added Axel, who was standing next to his dragon, slumped up against the beast's side.

"I know, but if I can finish off Lucifer then its a chance that I'm willing to take" I replied honestly.

"Not alone your not" stated Shade as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze "I'll take half of it, and before you ask if I'm sure, the answer is yes " he continued before I had the chance to speak "I told you once that I'd follow you anywhere, and that's true Princess, if you're risking your life then I am to" he finished adamantly.

"Ok" I replied simply "Then we'll do it... together".

"Even activating the pendant, before you even begin channel all of our power is going to take a lot of your energy, and since you're the only Mythica here, you're the only one who is physically able to withstand its energy, but even your power may not be enough" Warned Zack after taking in our plan.

"I know, but I have to try" I concluded, giving him a convincing smile as he stared at me disapprovingly.

"About that!" exclaimed Chase just as I raised my hand to try and activate the pendant.

"What is it?" I questioned, taking in his small excited smile.

"You're not the last Mythica, meet Asher's sister Lavina," he said rather proudly as he stepped out of the way to reveal a girl.

I stared at her in utter shock I didn't even realise that Asher had gotten his sister back, I thought that he would've used her to prove his loyalty, but he didn't. He took full responsibility and let us question and doubt him.

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