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We flew rapidly and continuously in complete silence until the golden sun began to set. But no matter how fast we flew, there was no sign of Chase. The skies were completely empty, I often wondered how this was possible but then again these people worked for Sebastian, and for all I knew could have some sort of clocking spell on them.

"Aurora! we need to make camp" Asher shouted over the raging winds.

I knew he was right, the skies were dangerous at night now that the war had begun. We needed to find cover or we were at risk of being shot down... or worse, but at the same time, I knew that if we stopped they would take Chase further away from us and lessen our chances of rescuing him. 

"Aurora!" pleaded Asher, speeding up to fly next to me. "We're no good to Chase if we're too tired to fight" 

I looked around my shoulder at Max who was clinging to my waist, he gave me a weak smile but it didn't meet his eyes, he literally looked like he was going to fall asleep at any second. Knowing that Asher was right I signalled the others and tapped Obsidian's neck, sending him down closer to the forest.

We skimmed along the top of the thickened trees until we discovered a clearing that was big enough for a few dragons to land in. Ideally we should have looked for a mountain cave because they offered the best coverage, but in reality, things were not conveniently placed where you needed them, so the humungous, gloomy forest would have to do.

Obsidian touched down on the half-scorched grass and lowered to the ground to allow me and Max to jump off safely. We made our way over to the others and waited for everyone else to land.

"Listen up!" commanded Asher seriously. "if we are on track, we should be entering the land of Solitudinem tomorrow," he said.

"It's going to be crawling with demons" stated Shade.

Asher looked lost in thought for a moment before he clicked his fingers and looked straight at me. 

"Its time for you to learn your darkness abilities," he said excitedly.

I opened my mouth to speak but Shade cut me off.

"Even if she could master it by tomorrow, there's no way that she will be able to cover all of us and our dragons, it will drain her" he reasoned.

"That's why we cannot fly through the lands, we will be caught instantly. We need to travel by foot" informed Asher.

"Hold on," I said stepping forwards "what about the dragons?"

"They will travel at heights that we couldn't possibly survive in an attempt to scope out the land and find water" he replied.

I nodded my head and sighed, of course I didn't want to leave Obsidian but Asher was right, walking there was the best way to get through the land undetected. At least we would have the element of surprise when we finally get to Chase.

"Verity, you and the others go and set up camp. Aurora, you come with me," instructed Asher while walking into the forest.

I watched his retreating figure for a couple of seconds before I took off at a slow jog to catch up with him.

"I know that this has been hard on you Aurora, but you need to stay focused. After all, you are the key to everything" said Asher, turning to face me.

I curtly nodded my head and drew my daggers ready for him to begin the lesson.

"Oh, you won't be needing those" smiled Asher with a glint of mischief in his eyes. 

I looked at him calculatingly but attached my daggers back to my belt, trusting his judgement. He sat down on the pine-covered, forest floor and crossed his legs. I watched him in bewilderment as he beaconed me to do the same. I shook off my confusion and dropped down into a sitting position opposite him, if Asher said this would work then it probably would. 

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