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Once the class had finished Zack, Sylvia and I started to make our way up to my dorm room to collect the book.

We were halfway there when a loud message boomed from what seemed like everywhere.

*All first-year students and house captains please report to the hall immediately*

Zack rapidly shot his hands to his ears trying to block our Mr Stonehearts defining announcement.

"What do you think that all about?" he asked dropping his hands.

"I don't know, they did mention that dragon riders were going to get mentors but I don't see why he'd call for all of us," I said turning back towards the hall.

"I guess we'll have to get the book later" voiced Sylvia looking down the corridor.

I nodded my head in agreement and we walked to the hall in silence.

It's strange, I wanted to know the prophecy, to finally know why Shade effected me the way that he did, but at the same time I was scared, because my father always told me that knowledge of the truth can be a dangerous thing as it has the ability to change us, and turn us into something that we would never dream of becoming.

We pushed open the doors and scanned the hall for our friends, I spotted Chase waving frantically in the far right corner and made my way over to him.

"I think we're finally getting mentors!" exclaimed Chase tossing Cobalt a bit of raw meat.

"Ferberno!" he shouted a little too loudly for my sensitive ears.

The dragon jumped up and singed it with his dragon fire before catching it skilfully in his mouth.

"Maybe," I said taking a seat next to him.

"How was your first angelic lesson?" asked Orpheus remembering how excited I was about it.

"Ugh don't remind me of it, I feel like I've been lifting weights with my brain" moaned Zack in response.

"That great?" he smiled pulling his attention to Zack.

"It was all good until he had us practising telekinesis" groaned Sylvia massaging her temples.

"You've gotta admit, it was pretty cool though" I laughed looking at their tired faces.

They groaned in response and Zack thumped his head on the table in between his arms.

Once the former food-filled plates were emptied, Mr Stoneheart walked up onto the stage and stood looking over the students.

"Good afternoon students!" called Mr Stonegheart gaining everyone's attention.

"I have requested that you all be here to announce some very important news" he smiled, gesturing to the house captains to join him on the stage.

Axel, Dexter, Felix and Tyler walked up and stood proudly next to him.

"Over the course of the next few weeks we will be training for... the regional games!" he announced.

Excited mumbling broke out from the crowd and Mr Stoneheart stood back to allow the captains to speak.

"Dragon Riders! four days from now your dragons will be big enough for you to ride, and a week from then they will be fully grown" called Axel silencing the crowd

"It's because of this that you will be appointed your mentors today, so please stay at the end " informed Tyler.

"You are all going to be trained twice as hard by your teachers so you will have the best chance of winning an event to gain points for your element," said Felix.

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