23- Daddys Family

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Luke makes his way up to Liz's house as Delilah giggles and kicks the back of his seat.

"Delilah, if you make daddy pull over and make you quit, he's gonna spank you."

Not really. He'll probably just glare at her as he moves her to the other backseat, but hopefully the threat will make sure he doesn't even have to do that.

"Daddyyyyyy!" Delilah whines.

"Delilahhhhhhhh." Luke whines back.  Delilah giggles but goes back to pouting.

"Play phone, Daddy. Pees?"

"No, daddy said no, besides, you haven't even been good."

Delilah releases a loud, high pitched, and continuous shriek and in response, Luke stomps on the breaks and then pulls over, and Delilah gasps.

"No daddy! Sowwy, baby sowwy!" She apologizes, and Luke smiles a bit, but turns around in his seat to face Delilah with a stern face.

"Delilah." He growls, and the little girl shrinks back.

"Sowwy Daddy. Good baby. Daddy's good baby." Luke smiles at the little girls innocent expression and nods.

"You're gonna be good? You know better than to scream just because you don't get what you want, little girl, especially when daddy is driving."

"Yes daddy. Sowwy. I sowwy. Good baby." Luke nods and turns back to the road to drive the next ten minutes to his mums house.

Delilah squeals when they pull into the driveway, unbuckling herself and running inside the house.

Luke chuckles and follows after the little girl, who's now in jacks arms and giggling as she copies whatever he says.

"Are you excited to meet all your daddy's family?"

"Awe you.... ettciiiteed... to me all er daddy's fammy." Delilah repeats.

"Look how good she's talking!" Liz exclaims, sitting on the couch and pulling the little girl into her lap.

"Look ow good she's tocking." Delilah giggles.

"Luke, your cousins will be here soon." Liz informs the smiling blonde.

"Luke!" Delilah exclaims, turning to her daddy.

"Oh?" Andrew chuckles.

"Ah, Yes, she discovered my real name." Luke chuckles, scooping up the little one.

"Se agapó." The little one turns to her daddy, and he smiles and says it back.

"What that mean?" Ben asks, sitting on the couch by his mum.

"I love you, in whatever language it is she speaks." Luke explains, soon interrupted by the door opening and a new group of people entering the house.

Delilah clings to the tall blonde, whining when he hands her off to Ben.

Luke exchanges hugs with all the family, as does jack and then Andrew and Liz, and Ben hands the little girl to Liz while he greets them, but she wiggles out of the woman's arms, embarrassed to be treated like a child in front of these new strangers.

Luke raises an eyebrow at her blush and unusually shy behavior, but before he can get to her and find out what's wrong, his cousin Claire is pulling him into conversation.

Delilah frowns when it seems the mans busy, deciding not to go to him to reassure himself, and instead watching the the man and the pretty blonde woman speak, smiling and laughing.

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