22- Love

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some big fluff here guys, it's gonna be really cute.

"Cmon Delilah, gotta get you up." Luke hums in his most gentle, loving, and sleepy voice.

Delilah doesn't answer, pouting slightly and shoving her face into her daddy's bare chest as he lays beside her still.

"Babygirl..." Luke hums, smiling fondly.

"Mm." Delilah whines in protest as Luke gently sits her up. "No up. Bad dada." She argues almost incoherently.

"We're gonna go see nana and papa and uncles, and some of daddy's cousins. Isn't that fun? Are you happy, babydoll?"

"Baby bed." Delilah glares tiredly at the broad blonde.

"No, baby can't go to bed. Cmon little girl, get up." Luke coaxes the little one. He stands from the bed, lifting her onto his hip, and carries her to her nursery as she tries to sleep on his shoulder.

"Can you say 'go see nana' sweet love?"

"Go see nana." Delilah obeys, smiling softly and looking into Luke's pretty blue eyes with her own sparkling bright green ones.

"How about 'go see papa'?"

"Go see papa." She continues to repeat Luke as he sets her on her changing table.

"Go see uncles?" Luke offers as he goes to Delilah's closet.

"No, daddy! No you! Baby wan!" Delilah whines, pointing at her closet.

"Baby what? You wanna pick your own clothes, doll?"

"Es Daddy, baby pick."

"Can you say 'I wanna pick'?"

"I wan pick. Baby pick!"

"Ok princess, you can pick." Luke chuckles, helping the little one slide down off the table and scurry over to her closet.

"Go see uncles." She says, grinning back at her daddy, who chuckles.

Delilah briefly thinks about the new word daddy had her say, 'I'. He seems to have lots of names for her. Baby, babygirl, princess, doll, and many more, now 'I'. why does he refer to her so many ways? She wonders. He knows her name, but he only calls her that when she's in trouble.

She shrugs it off as she looks through her clothes.

But, come to think of it, daddy seems to have a few names too. She realizes with a head tilt, that her and him are the only two who she thinks she's ever heard call him daddy.

Wait, no. That's not right. Nana has called him daddy, and Delilah knows that nana is daddy's mom. But Liz also calls him 'luke' most of the time. Uncles have called him daddy too, but only when they talk to her. Not when they talk to daddy. So no one but her and daddy ever call the man daddy to his face. So what's his real name?

Delilah pauses her searching and frowns, turning to the blonde who's watching her amusedly.

"Are you having a hard time picking, sweetheart? You want daddy to help?" Delilah shakes her head. The tall man raises an eyebrow.

"Luke?" Delilah asks, and he tilts his head, confused, and chuckles. The black haired little one reaches her arms up to be picked up, and Luke obliges.

"Luke?" Delilah says again, putting a hand on the hard chest to make her point.

"Yes Cutie. I'm Luke." He grins at her realization and confusion, wondering what made her think is this all the sudden. He loves watching her learn. "Just like you're Delilah."

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