9- Sleep

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Luke yawns as he shuffles into Delilahs room at six am, with only a pair of shorts on.

As much he doesn't want to be awake, little girl is crying, and daddy has to come save his princess.

"What's wrong sweet cheeks?" He mutters as he looks down to her as she cries into her knees. "Lilah, baby?" She reaches for him so he scoops her up and carries we back to his room, hoping the two can get some more sleep, considering they didn't get to sleep until pretty late as Delilah was being a brat so Luke didn't let her sleep with him, causing the little girl to throw a fit.

So neither of them got much sleep and both are pretty cranky.

Luke lays down and lets the little one cry into his chest until she falls back asleep, and he goes to sleep as well.

It hasn't gotten much better when he and Delilah wake up, as it's to the sound of ambulance sirens going by the house and it makes Delilah cry and whine, frustrated at being woken.

"Shhh, I know, princess." Luke sighs, pulling her up to his face.

"Can daddy have a kiss?" He asks as he wipes tears it from under her eyes.

"Kiss." The little girl mumbles before pecking Luke's lips.

"Mhm." Luke hums against her before pulling away and laying his head down again.

Delilah whines and wiggles and Luke frowns, tightening his grip.

"What's wrong?"

"No, daddy!" She whines.

"Shh, what's the matter? You have to go potty baby?"


Luke stands and leads her to the bathroom, letting her do her thing before taking her downstairs and sitting her in front of some cartoons while he makes breakfast, but the little girl only whines and cries when he tries to leave her.

"Aren't you hungry?" He sighs.

"Daddyyyy!" Delilah whines.

He picks her up and carries her to the kitchen, but is faced with the same response when he tries to set her on the counter.


"Delilah, be a good girl."


Luke leaves her on the counter despite her whining as he fetches some yoghurt and a spoon, but she doesn't cooperate still.


"Eat please Delilah."

"No! No daddy! No no!"

"Bad girl."


"Yes. You are being bad." Luke tries to feed her again but she hits the spoon away, spilling yoghurt on Luke and the floor.

Luke growls as the little girl guiltily silences herself.

She hadn't exactly meant to do that.

Luke cleans up the mess before glaring at Delilah.

"Eat, little girl."


"Daddy is going to put you in time out. Eat."

The little girl raises an eyebrow and takes the container from Luke's hand, making lukesigh in relief, before a mischievous glint flashes in her eye and she throws it at the wall across from her.

"Delilah! What the hell, little girl?!" He cusses as he slides her off the counter and onto her feet to land five swats on her backside, making her cry and scream.

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