Smell of Conspiracy

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Feng Yu Heng thought that Chen Yu would go look for her, but she did not think she would be so quick.

Feng Chen Yu was not polite, sending Yi Lin out, as she saw Feng Yu Heng send Wang Chuan and Huang Quan out. She then immediately said: "You have that sort of medicine, right?"

She nodded, "I do have a method, but it is not medicine."

"I don't care what method you use. So long as you can make it happen, the price.... can be decided by you." Feng Chen Yu also hated this situation. She was willing to accept paying one million for the abortion, so she did not mind paying even more to restore her body to its original state. So long as this matter could be completed, she would not need to fear anyone after this day. She would once again be the former Feng Chen Yu. The position of the Feng family's daughter to the first wife would be one that she would reclaim someday.

She stared at Feng Yu Heng, a viciousness appearing in her eyes.

Feng Yu Heng suddenly smiled. Looking at Chen Yu, she shook her head, "Eldest sister, your fate is in my hands. When looking at people, can you be a little more restrained? What if I get angry and refuse to do it for you?"

Only then did Feng Chen Yu realize that she had carelessly revealed her mood for Feng Yu Heng to discover. She quickly adjusted her expression and said: "What are you saying second sister. I have only been thinking about that matter is all. After all, it is related to this entire manor. It is not just something that concerns me."

"Whether or not it involves the Feng manor is not something I care about. Eldest sister, I only care about how much money you can pay. The method I will use is definitely not something that can be found in this world. It's not some something heretical like tricking your future husband. Instead, it will truly restore your body to its original state."

She had already spoken very clearly, and Feng Chen Yu could not help but be moved upon hearing it. Although her relationship with this second sister had already reached the point where they could not coexist, she had to admit that Feng Yu Heng's medical ability truly was miraculous. If she really could be returned to her original state, it would truly be worth any amount of money.

"Second sister, please provide a price." She did her best to keep her mood steady, and her voice even sounded friendly, "Sister just hopes you will not be too greedy."

Feng Yu Heng raised an eyebrow, not too greedy? How could that be possible?

She faced Chen Yu and stretched out five fingers.

Chen Yu blinked a few times, "Five hundred thousand?" She originally wanted to say 50 thousand, but thinking back to the one million taels, she felt that it was not possible for Feng Yu Heng to give such a price. Thus, she changed from guessing 50 thousand to five hundred thousand.

Who knew that Feng Yu Heng would actually shake her head and once again extend her five fingers.

Chen Yu's mind was filled with sounds of explosions, "You want five million?"

Only then did Feng Yu Heng nod in satisfaction, "You guessed correctly."

Feng Yu Heng, have you gone crazy?" Chen Yu immediately stood up, her face full of disbelief, as she looked at this second sister, "Do you know how much money five million is? Do you know how much can be done with five million? Let me tell you, right now, even if the entire Feng manor is sold, it is possible it would not sell for five million. You have gone too far overboard!"

Was it too much? Feng Yu Heng truthfully did not have much of a concept of five million taels. But when she thought about it, if it were exchanged for money from the 21st century, five million dollars was already quite a lot. One tael from this era was worth much more than one dollar. She had previously done some quick calculation, based on the things that could be purchased with one tael, it was roughly worth 500 dollars. Based on this, five million was indeed a vast amount of wealth.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now