Girl, Seventh Brother is Miserable

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"Seventh brother!"

"Your Highness!"

Feng Yu Heng and Ban Zou both had sharp ears and immediately went towards the source of the sound.

Deeper into the mountains, they saw a person come around very slowly and seemingly with great difficulty.

Feng Yu Heng hastily climbed up and rushed towards the person.

She could recognize that it was Xuan Tia Hua. Although he was walking very slowly and was a little disheveled, he was still the deity-like seventh prince. She was too familiar with his presence. Like a lotus, no matter what time or place, both were recognizable at a glance. Even the uneasiness she had been feeling was immediately soothed upon seeing Xuan Tian Hua.

"Don't run and be careful not to fall." Xuan Tian Hua watched a small figure run towards him. Running and sliding, it seemed at times that she would fall. He increased his pace to meet with her. At the time of the avalanche, his ankle had been covered, so it was not very convenient for him to move.

"Seventh brother!" Finally standing before Xuan Tian Hua, she was gasping for air. Her cheeks were bright red like a doll from a New years picture.

Xuan Tian Hua subconsciously reached out a hand and pushed the hair at her forehead. He really wanted to pinch her cheeks, but he drew back the hand he had reached out.

"I am fine." He spoke in a quiet voice that was neither familiar nor distant.

Speaking with this tone suddenly caused Feng Yu Heng to worry. She grabbed Xuan Tian Hua's sleeve and anxiously asked: "Seventh brother, are you hurt? Where are you hurt?" She spoke while feeling his head, "Do you still remember who I am? I am A-Heng! Why are you speaking to me like this?"

Xuan Tian Hua temporarily zoned out. He wanted to grab her hand, but Feng Yu Heng was not obedient at all, as she patted his head and felt his neck. Given her small size, she could not really reach him, so she had to keep jumping, which was very funny to see.

But he could not able to smile.

On the day he memorialized his deceased mother, an avalanche buried him and his retinue under the snow. He struggled his hardest to drag the retinue out, but in the end, he was unable to pull him out.

He had sat in the snow for a long time, and when he tried to move, his foot hurt so much that he could not move. Secondly, he hoped that retinue would be able to escape on his own. The retinue had been with him for roughly ten years and had come with him every year for the memorial; however, in the end, he would end up buried here. How could this not cause him to worry.

This was the first time Xuan Tian Hua regretted not bringing more people when going out. He had always relied on having good abilities and had become conceited, which led to the loss of a life. With the seemingly heavenly Winter disaster, he had been stuck there for two days and one night. He was on the verge of despair, but he heard a girl desperately call out seventh brother.

He only looked like a deity, but he was not one. There were always times where someone or something could arouse emotion from his heart. For example, that night in Feng Tong county when this girl had appeared in the rubble. She was like a small cat, which roused a feeling of pity in his heart.

"Seventh brother is fine." His tone finally calmed down, and his face returned to its usual warm smile, "Silly girl, in such heavy snow, what are you doing out here?"

"Looking for you!" She spoke truthfully, "If it were only snow, I would not have come; however, they said that an avalanche occurred to the North of the city. So I could not continue to hide in the city. Seventh brother, at that time, you were able to bring me out of the burned down rubble. Today, I also resolutely decided that I would pull you out of the snow pile, even if I needed to use my own two hands."

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