If Your Brother is a Bastard, Then What is Your Father?

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Chen Yu felt her mind explode!

The three words "eldest young master" immediately caused her to consciousness to return to the graveyard at the top of Qi Feng Mountain. Countless images flashed before her eyes. There were the countless tombs, there was the sexual relations between Feng Zi Hao and Yi Yue, there was her smashing Yi Yue's skull open with a rock, and there was Feng Zi Hao pressing her into the ground while coming closer with his disgusting face.

Feng Chen Yu let out a scream and held her head. Burying her face in her knees, she repeatedly shouted: "Get away! Get away!"

The people of the Feng family noticed the peculiar circumstances on this end and came over. Feng Jin Yuan walked at the front. Just as he came closer, he heard Wang Chuan asking: "Eldest young miss, what happened?"

He quickly walked forward and reached to push Wang Chuan aside. He pushed but could not push her away. Feng Jin Yuan scolded her in embarrassment: "Out of the way."

Only then did Wang Chuan back up a couple steps. At the same time, she did not forget to remind Feng Jin Yuan: "Second young miss' room caught fire, so why has Prime Minister Feng not ask a single word about how second young miss is?"

Just as Feng Jin Yuan's hand grabbed Chen Yu's arm, he heard Wang Chuan say this. Only then did he realize that he truly had not asked how Feng Yu Heng was. But he had his own way of thinking "Doesn't your young miss have a hidden guard at her side?"

"But you are her biological father." Wang Chuan continued to press Feng Jin Yuan. The court's prime minister was actually capable of being biased to this degree. To treat his own daughter like this, then what of the country's people.

"Are you lecturing this prime minister?" Feng Jin Yuan also became furious, "Although you come from Yu Palace, do not forget your own position! You are still just a servant. There is no need for you to worry about this prime minister's family matters."

Wang Chuan curled her lips into a sneer. She completely disregarded Feng Jin Yuan's warning. Simply glancing at Feng Chen Yu, she changed the subject: "Is eldest young miss not feeling well? Why do I not see your personal servant, the one that Yi Yue girl that came with eldest young miss?"

Chen Yu trembled then suddenly raised her head to look at Wang Chuan. In her mind, she only had one question repeat itself: "Could it be the matter of her killing Yi Yue had been exposed?" She desperately tried to find a trace of the truth from Wang Chuan's eyes, but Wang Chuan's face was stoic and her eyes clear. How could there be anything for her to discover.

Feng Jin Yuan did not understand the situation and also asked: "Where is your servant?"

Chen Yu shook her head, her breathing becoming ragged, "I do not know. Daughter does not know! Father, daughter is very scared. Just now I saw mother and grandfather again!"

She had pretended to be ill and insane for this long, so she could not be more familiar with the routine. Once Feng Jin Yuan heard this, he immediately shut his mouth. He feared that he would say something he should not and would incite something inside of Chen Yu's consciousness.

It was Wang Chuan that responded: "Eldest young miss, don't worry. In a few days, we will go to the peak of Qi Feng Mountain to make offerings." She deliberately emphasized " the peak of Qi Feng Mountain" and succeeded in caused Chen Yu to break out into another cold sweat.

At this time, Yao shi's cries became even more hysterical: "A-Heng! A-Heng, where are you?" There continued to be no movement from inside the room. Aside from the people putting out the fire, there was no sight of anyone coming out of the room. Yao shi cried and begged Huang Quan: "Go save A-Heng. Don't you know martial arts? The fire is not that big now. I beg you to go same my A-Heng." As she said this, she went to kneel on the ground.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now