The Sick Should Eat Medicine

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The table of food prepared by Feng Yu Heng contained mostly foods that were eaten normally. The way they were prepared was proper, and they looked very pretty. Most importantly, the taste was unique. The foods held their original aromas, but they also smelled slightly of medical herbs. The bitter scent of the medical herbs had been removed, leaving behind a sweet and pure flavor. Mixing them in with the dishes, the people were left feeling moved by the smell.

"This is..." An shi was the first to express her surprise. She wanted to ask why it smelled a bit like medical herbs, but she also felt that it did not seem to be medicine. Where would such fragrant medicine be found?

Feng Yu Heng immediately dispelled her doubts: "This food cooked with medicine."

"Food cooked with medicine?" The matriarch was stunned. She then remembered a time when she was sick two years prior. The doctor had also tried to treat her with food cooked with medicine. She had to drink congee cooked with medicine every morning, but that congee tasted even more bitter than normal medical soup. Ever since that time, she thought there to be no difference between food cooked with medicine and normal medicine; food cooked with medicine was just medicine. Now, had Feng Yu Heng made them a table of medicine?

Looking more carefully, she also felt that this so-called food cooked with medicine was different from the one she had tried that year. Un, there was also congee this time, but this congee was a pure white, which made people drool.

"What food cooked with medicine, isn't it just medicine." Feng Zi Hao snorted, sarcastically saying: "Mother has gone and prayed for the fortune of the family, but upon returning, she is given medicine to eat. Feng Yu Heng, what sort of heart do you have?"

Nobody said a word, aside from people like Yao shi trusted Feng Yu Heng, there were plenty of others who had these doubts.

Feng Yu Heng did not argue with Feng Zi Hao. Instead, she stood up and began ladling Chinese olive and bird breast soup into bowls. As she ladled, she began to explain the dishes on the table: "Food cooked with medicine is part of Chinese medicine's food therapy. Its essence is mixing Chinese medicine with foods that compliment them to make dishes. From there, they are made into fragrant and flavorful dishes. This is what is meant by medicine is food. It is the turning of medical ingredients into food, and using the food to bolster the effects of the medicine. The medical ingredients make use of the food's nutrients, and the food aids the medical ingredients. The two complement each other two bring out the best in each other."

"After all that, in the end, isn't it still just medicine!" Feng Zi Hao was extremely disdainful, "I will not eat medicine. Take it away. Change it for normal food."

No one paid any heed to Feng Zi Hao's temper. Everyone was a little moved by Feng Yu Heng's explanation; moreover, these dishes seemed very exquisite and had a nice fragrance. If it were really possible that the food was delicious and could help improve their health, why would they not eat it?

The matriarch looked at the bowl of soup before her and asked Feng Yu Heng with interest: "What is the name of this soup?"

She replied: "It's Chinese olive and bird breast soup." In reality, many of the medical herbs could not be found in Da Shun. Something like Chinese olives were even harder to find in this era, but she had her own pharmacy. Taking out something from the later eras was not a problem.

The matriarch naturally would not understand this name. She thought it was simply chosen for how it sounded, thus she continued in asking: "Then what effect does it have?" She asked while taking a sip. After it entered her mouth, she felt a sweet and fragrant taste. The taste of the medical herbs and meat blended together, leaving a long-lasting memory. The matriarch could not help but drink some more.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now