Something's in the Punch

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Lydia dropped Winnie off at Stiles's teasing her the entire time. "I will wear the converse again," Winnie threatened. "Fine I'll stop," Lydia said. Winnie waved her off and walked in to see Stiles looking through his laptop. "It's the swim team," he blurted seeing her. "You found the connection," Winnie asked. "Well my dad did," he admitted. "I have more good news," Winnie added. Stiles quirked an eyebrow. "Natalie Martin is now my legal guardian," Winnie said. "Oh my god you get to stay in Beacon Hills," he exclaimed and hugged her. "I came to recruit you as moving crew. Sky and Scott are going to meet us in like an hour," Winnie explained. "Sounds great. I can trouble shoot with you while we pack your shit," Stiles said smiling like crazy.

They managed to box Winnie's stuff in two hours and Sky helped her load it into her new room as the boys left to get ready. Lydia had finished decorating as they got there. "Perfect timing," she stated and had them get ready. Sky was curling Winnie's hair upon Lydia's request as Winnie went through the checklist Lydia had her make. "Pizza is for the after hours," Lydia said. "Ok then it's just lights and setting out the food, but Sky and I can do that so you can get ready," Winnie reasoned. "Perfect," Lydia said walking to her room. "You two are like a well oiled genius machine," Sky replied. "I'm just as surprised as you, but I really like it here," Winnie said. "How's George," Sky asked. "He's going to spend some time in Rhode Island with his old football friend Brent," Winnie explained. Sky nodded.

"Look at you," Winnie complimented as Lyds walked down. Lydia flipped her hair and Sky clapped. Winnie watched Lydia open the door to a giant box. Sky started holding back fits of hysterical laughter. "Happy Birthday," Stiles said revealing his face. "Oh god," Winnie mumbled as he struggled to get it through the door. "What the hell is even in it," Sky asked. "Go socialize," Lydia said to the two girls handing them punch. "Do I have to," Sky asked as they didn't take the punch. "Yes! It's my birthday. Go," she smiled handing them punch. They met the boys on the back deck. Scott, Stiles, and Allison were discussing being the reasons Lydia was the town whack-job in the first place.

"I can get girl's lacrosse here," Sky proposed. "Don't look at me. Everyone I talk to is here or with Derek," Winnie replied. Scott was going to text the boy's lacrosse team. "I also know some people who can get this thing going," Stiles said, finally looking to Winnie. He tried to hide the fact his eyes nearly popped out of his head as he continued speaking, pulling his phone out, "Like really going." "Who," Allison jinxed with Skyler. "I met them the other night, let's just say they know how to party, Stiles said vaguely. "Wait the people you met at Jungle," Sky asked excited. Winnie's smile grew wide as he nodded.

The party livened up and Sky watched Stiles get moody as Lydia kept introducing Winnie to people. "Any sign of Jackson," she asked to distract him. She knew Winnie was just appeasing the birthday girl and would hide in her room in a half hour before returning to the party and her actual friends. "No," Stiles said. "You know what would help? Actually looking for Jackson," Sky remarked. Stiles huffed nodding as he drank some punch. "Go give Scott girl advice and I guarantee by the time you're done she'll be hiding from the party in her room," Skyler said. "Thanks Sky," he said. She just nodded and they walked in separate directions.

"Hi Winnie," a familiar voice said. Winnie closed her eyes and opened them expecting him to be gone but he was still there. "You really think you can run away from me," he asked. "I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch," she said expecting to walk through him as she kept walking. Her blood ran cold as she bounced off his chest and he just stabilized her holding her shoulders. She started laughing in denial. "No... no you moved away," she said trembling. "Well I'm here now. Who are your new little friend's pooh bear," he asked. "Don't call me that," she hissed. "They're all going to abandon you," he said walking closer. "Stay away from me," she warned backing up into a wall.

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