Not Dead

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"Why do you have a key to his house," Winnie asked as the walked in. "So I could stop climbing through the window," he said as if it was obvious. "Scott," Melissa asked. "Not Scott," Winnie said. "Stiles and Winnie," Stiles answered. "Key," Melissa asked. "I had one made," Stiles said. "That doesn't surprise me.... Scares me. Doesn't surprise me," she answered. There was a moment of silence and Stiles dropped the bag. "Is he okay," Melissa asked. "Yeah," Stiles said. He didn't want to worry Melissa. "He doesn't talk to me, not as much as he used to," the mother worried. "He's just had a really rough month," Winnie piped in. She was only there to ensure Stiles didn't murder Scott or vice versa. Melissa mentioned full moon and Stiles's eyes almost bugged out of his head. Winnie chuckled at the lunatic reference and discretely elbowed Stiles. The door closed and Winnie took the bag rushing up the stairs as quickly as her short legs would allow.

Sky brought Scott home and had to leave to check in on Danny. "If I find out you left you won't have to worry about the alpha," she warned. Scott just sat in his chair thinking through the day. Winnie and Stiles opened the door and nearly flew through the roof as they turned on the lights. "I swear to god," Winnie muttered. "Dude you scared the hell out of me," Stiles said. Winnie zoned out pulling out the restraints they got and raised an eyebrow confused as Scott said he was fine. "Yeah, giving Danny a concussion, kissing your best friend's crush, storming out of a test, and needing to be escorted home by Sky constitutes as fine," Winnie remarked. Stiles felt a wave of rage return as Winnie listed everything. "Not to mention you got this kind of... serial killer look going on," Stiles pointed out, "And I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect because it's really starting to freak me out." Stiles kept thinking back to what Scott had said. Winnie had no idea.

"I'm fine you should go now," Scott pressed. "Alright, I'll leave," Stiles said. Winnie laughed planting herself. "Over my dead body. At least check the fucking bag," she replied. Scott got up and walked over rummaging through it. She got his wrist but he shoved her to the side and Stiles cuffed him to the radiator. "Win, you okay," Stiles asked worried. She sat up. "I'm fine," she replied rubbing where he grabbed her on her arm. "What the hell are you doing," Scott demanded. Stiles replied as Winnie stood up looking at her friend. She never thought he'd be capable of trying to hurt her. Stiles brought Scott some water and poured it in the dog bowl he bought behind her back. She glared at him for instigating. "You kissed her Scott! You kissed Lydia! She was the one girl that I- She was the only-," Stiles fumed cutting him self off. He vented his anger to his chained up friend.

Scott looked up. "She kissed me," Scott said. A smirk grew on his face as Stiles asked, "What?" "I didn't kiss her. She kissed me," he said. "Stiles out," Winnie said. "What," he asked. "OUT," she barked. He walked out and she closed the door locking it. "Scott I really need you to focus on anchoring yourself," she pleaded. He started laughing. "Or what? You'll cry me to death," he asked. "Scott please," she begged. He rolled his eyes. She took a step forwards. "Scott. I know you're in there," she reasoned. His free hand back handed her. She stumbled back and looked at Scott holding herself together.

She walked out the door as Stiles was about to ask what happened. "Scott's gone. It's just the full moon in there," she said as a tear spilled over. Stiles realized it was Winnie who had been struck. He wrapped his arms around her as he felt an intense urge to bust down the door and take a few cracks at Scott for hurting her. Why was Skyler in control? It didn't make sense. They sat next to each other against the door. Winnie was texting Sky about Danny to keep herself distracted as the werewolf used their friend's voice to try and break free. The two covered their ears as Scott screamed rattling the hand cuffs.

It went silent and they both jumped to their feet and opened the door. He was loose. Winnie texted Skyler immediately. Skyler went to go find Scott and saw his trail led to a parking lot with Allison's car. Skyler made her way to the adjacent woods and saw Scott perched on a car. He leapt and she went to tackle him but another werewolf got to him first bringing them towards her. "Oh thank fuck," Skyler muttered seeing Derek. He had basically the same idea she had earlier and Scott realized Derek was alive. He shifted back and his dickwad stare vanished. "What happened," Scott asked. "Exactly what he wanted to happen," Derek said. He helped Skyler bring Scott home.

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